This can be made to only hit monsters, and doing it like that would be more appropriate to the intended effect. I'll put it in the next patch;...
Bloody hell. Yes, I was under the impression that melee power stacks on the highest mundane damage. Will get on this.
It's no effort, just a matter of pointing the validator at the core and expansion directories. And yeah, we've been doing it - it helped fix a lot...
Awesome! I may indeed be a Charles Stross fan. Still need to Nicholas to read that series - though he hasn't even returned my China Mieville book yet.
Ah, you mean this? ; We're good, but thank you for the offer.
Wow, that's been there a while doing nothing.. Thanks, I'll remove it.
Crashing is fixed, some minor fiddling things aren't. I asked Essence to take a look and sent him my working xml.
26 melee power really does seem like a bit much. And .. yeah, I guess with dual wielding, melee power bonuses get insane. Is anything else funny...
Nice catches Joe, Rhadamante - all fixed now!
I'm so going to nerf everything.
Yeah, it's now fixed. A fix to how buffs and DOTs get removed broke the hack that let Arcane Capacitor work in the first place so I just had to...
This is being addressed. Mr. Whitman has it on his list for after the CotW post-release fix patch that we're hashing out right now.
... oops. I imagine it's going to get a thorough testing now, at least.
Ah yes! Already reproduced it earlier, but thanks nonetheless.
I have no plans to use any of the oil slick stuff. That was an idea we were kicking around in Alpha that never worked very well ...
Had a close look through this- "beammissile" is not a valid spell type. You have to split the spells into a "beam" type and a "missile" type. My...
The save would be very helpful - maybe if you zip it? - using a particular weapon? - using a particular skill? - attacking a particular monster...
Cool; And: I was giving this a shot (as it were) and I'm missing a template 707 from the core db - is that another custom template?
I've killed the self-spawning of all/any eruptors AND made them spawn fewer traps upon triggering for the next patch. (If someone - Fax? - wants...
@joe bones Thanks for pointing it out. I'm horrified at how broken some stuff was -- but it's fixed for the next patch, happily. @Bergstrom Ah,...
Separate names with a comma.