I voted yes, but was tempted to say "NO F YOU GO DIE IN A HOLE" just because it sounds funny. Why not tell us what you actually want from the...
Do you not backup your mods for later use? Or were you hoping there were newer versions of each or just wanting details to help decide which to use?
I too liked JC2. I hated the first though. I played it on the Xbox 360 I modded and then gave to some family that was bored. It crashed ever few...
This post contains none. Please specify what you find even if only in a generic sense. And please do not bother if all you found was junk. Always...
Why not start a new post purely for 1.1.2? http://community.gaslampgames.com/threads/wizardlands-with-good-loot-for-1-1-2-only.4794/ Enjoy!
That was also remarked upon in other threads about the exotic damages, but some of those that remark upon this are too old to matter with the...
D-100 means it ranges between 1 and 00. Depending on the way it is made and what it is made for, 00 may be zero, or it may be one-hundred. Ever...
Everyone miswords things from time to time. Do not worry. When J-Factor has time, he will get around to updating it for the new game. (I am...
Odin is an urchin abuse simulator. It plays like Sim-*Whateverthefuck* and has steampunk and mechanical apparatii to help with abusing the awful...
Awesome! Mana Hunters and Disrupters are no longer the bane of anyone who casts!
We can potentially save ourselves a lot of time hashing this out if anyone remembers the subject of the other thread where we hashed this idea...
The Tribby?
Lol on playing Fallout 3 as a pacifist. Save often, Max Sneak from the very start, and Medicine next. You will need them.
I was thinking just that Null. But as I said earlier, there is a short explanation. You put far more thought into it that I will. :D
This sort of thing has been discussed. And rejected for a number of reasons. Do not take this as me saying it looks bad though. I love the...
Easier this way. [ATTACH]
Yeah. I will stick with this handle. But I may have to make a dozen FaxCelestis e-mail accounts for humor. (No. I would not do that.)
I found more than a dozen "OmniNegro" that are not myself. They could all be the same other person, but I doubt that from the subjects and...
Has it been like that a decade? Damn. I really missed out on loads of jokes. Any spoilers on what they figured out? Or shall we wait and see?
Oh hell. That is an awful omen... *Edit* WTF When did somethingawful start "Selling" user accounts so you can read their excretions?
Separate names with a comma.