Those Mashers are a treasure when you finally find one. For a speced Sniper, they are awesome.
This is exclusively the domain of conjecture. Saying it does not exist because you have not seen it in most other games is not really fair. The...
Here is something you Snipers need to know. It does not work that way often. You kill a monster at range. Then monsters run out of rooms you have...
Another thing I noted. upwards of 90% of the people I played with had no idea how to coordinate at all. I was typing messages asking if they...
I am not sure if you are agreeing with me, or arguing against me... But I agree with what you said. It reminds me of the book and movie of The...
While I like your idea banjo2E, I would rather that level 15 be a custom level. No random layout. Something special and hard.
Too much of a hassle for me. Not going to give my money to a company who, over however long it took them to get all the DLC out, never fixed a...
I just played five or six hours of multiplayer. I saw one Brick, and one Siren, and everyone else was a Soldier. Literally over a dozen of them in...
I suggest playing through all the way to New Haven. I think by that point you will have unlocked everything and built a reasonable character. What...
Also, I noticed that even with maxed level, in single player there is no means to get premium loot from monsters like you would if you earned the...
By the way, I see that the game uses GameSpy to co-ordinate the multiplayer aspects. And since it is a Steam based game in this case, I have...
About classes, the Siren is Lilith, and she uses elemental weapons better than anyone else. She also has Phasewalk that allows her to turn...
That would be the Siren most likely, but it does not work quite like you are likely to expect. There is no class that is a mage or glass cannon....
Here, read it and join if you like.
Join us! We just started a small group to play together. I am new to multiplayer in this game, so I will need some advice from those more learned...
Magnetronic? That stuff is good in situations where you are likely to be hit anyway. Since it can nullify the damage of most attacks. The...
I read somewhere that the 10% off only counts if you owned the game before this sale. Better make sure if you are counting on the discount. On a...
Holy baconshit! $7.49 for Borderlands and all the DLC?!?! To hell with my previous copy! I just bought it again! Borderlands 2 will have to wait...
I respectfully disagree. I have seen the "Perfect playthroughs" of certain console games. They were made using a combination of ultra-low speed...
Oddly enough, I have the config editor. But I never once used it. I guess I will do that now. Thanks for the information!
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