Both of you try deleting the files in documents/gaslamp games/dungeons of dredmor/? (other than the mods, if you have them) Then, if you are using...
We're looking into this. It's not intended that it procs all the time if you're only slightly unstable.
I doubt it, I'm sure bandcamp supports modifying albums after putting them up.
zip up your dredmorsave folder and upload that, that's the new format now.
The whole save stuff has changed which is why they're different. Amongst other things, saves now include their mods inside the saves.
If you've got any saves where these weird things happen, please upload them. -We'll check out the PI skill.
Thanks for the save, we'll take a look at it.
Great experimentation, but are you certain "slightly unstable" was proccing the bad effect everytime? I thought that bug was fixed. Hmm.
If a specific skill crashes the game please let us know.
Can you upload your save?
Strange, because yes Diggle Hell should only be due to bad codes AFAIK, dunno what's up with that.
Aaaaaaaaanyway, nothing more to say, let's get back to the thread.
"Yes, apparently so. He's also making noises about remastering the tracks before he refreshes everything, but Matthew is on it."
Unless you really want to continue a current save, there isn't any new major or game breaking bugs in right now, so feel free to.
Known bug.
You can't (as far as I know). That said, there's something like a hundred thousand of them so you shouldn't run out anytime soon.
Strange. Have you tried full-screen also to see if it still happened? Regardless, that shouldn't be going on.
Did you really make a woman get in the kitchen joke?
You should be able to load the image in most art programs and "delete" the white background to replace it as transparent.
Great work! Confirming deathly hex still happens as of 1.1.1. (just spam right click real fast)
Separate names with a comma.