You guys see that? I get drunk and sleep for 12 hours and the code is fixed! I am a winner! ;) :p :D Is there a Drunken Coder skill yet? (For...
The mind-control aliens would be really pissed if they heard your doubts first-flipper. Err hand? Paw? Tentacle?
Take your itemDB.xml, craftDB.xml and modDB.xml and zip them. Then just attach to the post. (The "Upload a File" part below the message area....
Sorry to doubt you, but quoting it is different from seeing it. Would you mind zipping up the mod so we can check it exactly as it is? (Even if...
Dreamcast was Sega? Hmmmm. My memory sucks. I thought the last Sega console was Genesis. But apparently they made the Saturn and Dreamcast after...
Remember the Sega franchise? They were established and major. They died out even as they made new consoles. Time will tell. I am patient. (And I...
Look at the Ninjitsu skill from Complete Essential Skills. It has some of what you want, and Essence is a wondrously good coder.
We should not get off the topic of peaceful opposition. Those implying violence as a "Solution" need to rethink that. They want you to get angry...
Paranormal Investigator is one of the skills specifically mentioned in the announcement. "A whole WHACK of new Skills: Daggers, Polearms,...
Would this not be equally susceptible to abuse and errors as the Steam subscriptions? I think the only way to make things fair and reliable is...
The Xbox 360, PS3, and Nintendo Wii are all made of the same things. Unicorn Blood mixed with Angel Tears. They are formed from unholy rituals...
I was looking at that image thinking "My mommy dresses me funny". :)
I read the same old circular arguments again... They are established, therefore they will succeed. And that makes them established... Do not...
I am out of ideas. Sorry.
Why not have a system here to offer the clarity of what mods new users will want? Countless times I have told people they would love to grab CES,...
What the ... I have no idea what that even means. But good to hear that 3k has been hit. You have made a nice monster of a mod. :)
What can we do to fix this? I would gladly participate with a protest vote against the cheater and for yourself. CES, FAXPAX, RR and ID are the...
That probably sounds more disrespectful than I intended to be. I am not sure what exactly the OP wants, but this is as close as I can come to what...
This bug is annoying, but has been around a long time. Some people have been unable to reproduce it, but I get it every time I use the animation...
Alright. Here is the same file with fullscreen enabled. It should fix that issue. If not, revert to the earlier file.
Separate names with a comma.