With all the modding, there is room for the devs to sit back and do other things -- get on with Project Odin, for example -- after the major bugs...
1. Big Game Hunter (of course) 2. Tourist (He was well-traveled) 3. Magical Law (He studied Law) 4. Archery (guns -- Spanish American War) 5....
Since a lot of my friends are around my own age, I generally say that it's a modernized rogue-like, with a sense of humor and they will know what...
Note that even as a pure mage, you may find that it's occasionally beneficial to do a little bit of melee. When I play a mage, regardless of my...
Depends on where in the U.S. you are located, obviously. If you are in Hawaii, for example, ALMOST everywhere is overseas.
Honestly, I can't listen to nearly any video game soundtrack while I play a game (the only exceptions in recent history has been Skyrim, and...
I loved Slumdog Millionaire. Event Horizon was worth seeing but wasn't great, imho. STill, it was better than the reviews that it got, imho. I...
I saw DKR as well and I agree that it is the weakest of the trilogy, but still well-worth seeing. I disagree about a few things though. 1. I kind...
It's an interesting tree with unique, flavorful skills, but not one I would ever pick if I intended to power my way to Dredmor. But not all skill...
Honestly, what was intended is not as important as is what way of playing makes the game better. Intentions have little to do with it. If it...
I personally have only been using my own codes -- ones that I've personally found. And I'm not deleting the data file to revive the old codes,...
Honestly, I thought this was going to be some snide video about Chik-Fil-A. Some of you may be old enough to remember the Original hidden camera...
It has to do with the devs intentions. Yes, clearly there is an intention that it be possible to steal from Brax. The question is, should it be...
Personally, I think encouraging farming is not a good thing. Who cares if past rogue-likes did it, it's simply a boring mechanic. "Well,...
I totally agree that Pole Arms are great for melee. Even with VERY low-tiered weapons dual-wielded, and fully skilled in Pole Arms, I was kicking...
I've tried something like this before, but until the pocket dimension, it was even more non-viable than it is now. but this has a lot of...
Regardless, of the nerf, I really love the concept. Very clever. :cool:
I'm not sure where this came from -- the new dlc or a mod or what, so I'm posting it in general: [IMG]
I like the idea, but it (might) need some fine adjustment. It does seem to not work as well as you get deeper into the dungeon, and maybe too...
Separate names with a comma.