There could be lutefisk.
Long story short, all distribution deals (and more than a few other things) are waiting on this patch to get released. It should have been...
Yes, this is the solution we've discussed and agreed upon, it's just waiting on the feature to be implemented.
Pretty sure Chris Triolo (our intrepid animator) did that one.
That's the vague plan. (Though, man, I've got a ton of stuff to do all over the place now.) Intentional. Right, yes! That was definitely the...
The problem with those top level skills is that a player can rush them by level 2 or 3. If the skill is obviously better than any other out of the...
We have discussed expanding the role of sneakiness and stealth in Dredmor so that rogues can be a bit more feasible/interesting to play. Said...
It's not an intrinsically bad idea for putting into a game, but putting into Dredmor -- and at this point in the game's lifecycle -- wellll ......
It's all there in the tweet, isn't it?
Ach, this one again? I thought we'd got it fixed back in the original beta.
Which basically answers nothing because anyone who knows us knows that we just make stuff up on the fly. Any trestle fans out there?
Ugh. Imagine how *I* feel. Now I've got to redo all the everything.
Oh, that is damning. And fair. The items spawning confuses me; I think there was some kind of problem with this beyond a simple lack of items to...
re. Multiply layer: What Giraffe said is correct. I can't be bothered to flip my pen around to switch to eraser mode so I just have my left hand...
Hi! I tend to be the one that balances Dredmor's ... balance. (Nicholas just likes to throw wrenches into the game. Corruption? Evil Chests?...
This is a bug report, not a suggestion. Stuff's broke. ... Nicholas!
Photoshop. All Photoshop. For everything. I live in Photoshop. (And I'd be happy to answer any questions about workflow I used for anything, if...
It really should, shouldn't it.
Gaslamp Games has gotten together and played Arkham Horror in the office "for research purposes" on occasion. That's some good fun, though I think...
It looks like a cool idea for a game, and I am a big fan of Jagged Alliance 2, but the short answer is that it isn't in the cards (and there are...
Separate names with a comma.