This is presently hardcoded. It could perhaps be exposed to modding when we do mod support.
The delaying factor with this is that we're all actually completely broke and need to work to make rent and/or are in the process of moving to a...
Hey peoples, Turns out there's call for a chat thing. But we have one! See here:...
Arch-diggles are probably a touch too strong with the piercing damage. In the next patch I've boosted armour values a touch and given all heavy...
I do like the idea of giving axes the /flavour/ of what is being discussed for the 2h weapon skill. I did this to a certain extent to distinguish...
It's intended to do a small amount of damage - this will be fixed in the next patch.
Yep, what pauyasfyla said.
Is this massive spawning happening after a round of spacebar-mashing? And is it when you haven't explored much of the level? (I'm not sure how the...
Well, we did have the 2h weapon skill in earlier betas and it functioned to enhance the "brute force fighter" theme versus the "dextrous fighter"...
The huge increase in output at high levels of crafting has been reduced. This shouldn't be so imbalanced in the next patch. There's a fix for...
Some of the features mentioned for a "Dredmor 2" are the sort of things we'd like to do in a paid expansion pack. And we're committed to releasing...
@rmuk : When rooms are assigned a random name, some names are associated with decoration graphics. I believe these are defined in text.xml...
Very, very cool. (Make a GUI room editor next! I've wanted one of those *forever*. ... and okay, I realize how massive a tool that actually...
Ammo recovery has been increased and it should work on every shot, not just killing shots, in the next patch. (If this isn't marked as an issue in...
Yes, like in Alpha Centauri the effects of repeated nerve staplings is meant to be reduced. It's intended to be a spell that's relatively useful...
I'll buff the summoned zomby. (And there's actually an issue at some point to increase summon power/level as you increase points in the magic...
Known issue. I imagine the lutefisk cube should just keep the lutefisk as the same amount of lutefisk if you re-stack it in the cube. Noted for...
We'll reset the highscores at some point soon, with a balance patch I imagine, and look into making it a touch less convenient to cheese the numbers.
It can get a bit excessive, can't it. We'll look into the possibility of throttling the ketchup a bit.
I'll look into the levels that acid traps appear on and maybe adjust them to be more in line with other traps. The acid burn effect IS pretty nasty.
Separate names with a comma.