Correct, it triggers a spell effect upon hit. ... no idea about the double arrow flying, I'll have a look at it.
Yeah, we'll make the new forums match the steampunk sort of colour theme from the main Gaslamp site. I am open to doing a dark-on-light style if...
Oh, boy. Looking into it.
Turns out I messed up the xml on that craft. Sorry! It's fixed in the next patch.
The ingot press uses the highest skill of your tinkering OR smithing level to determine ingot output.
Wasn't exactly intended, but back when we added knockback and *everything* would get sent across the room we thought it was hilarious so we left...
I've reduced the negative effects of Duck and Cover for the next patch; hopefully this helps it end up as a net positive rather than a burden in...
@Remmib @Aftermath Thank you for your support!
Please take pictures.
Dredmor DLC: We're going to release lots of small patches with additional content for free. I am not myself a fan of paid DLC for reasons similar...
I disagree! You just need to stack Necronomiconomics with necromantic resist bonus items/spells. For example the first level Astrology spell...
All the Gaslampers are on the west coast of North America - Pacific Standard Time
Ugh, yeah. This is not something we control. We'll try complaining to the appropriate party and see what can be done -- I don't know if the...
Thanks dude - regarding the description, we're on it!
Look for something 10am onwards, maybe early afternoon. The lever gets pulled on their end, so we can't really say for sure.
If I recall correctly, we just put "$4.99" in the appropriate form and it is the number we agreed upon with Valve in communications. I'm not sure...
Thanks Glink! Annnd .. the Gaslamp twitter feed is here: ; the mailing list can be found here:...
I'm glad to hear you're all so excited about Dredmor! And I apologize for how frustrating this has been. I do know something of how you feel: I...
Busted. (Though I try to keep a low profile.) So, to answer: - I want to make a website with some explanation of some skills and abilities, but...
Separate names with a comma.