I will give it a try. Thanks. :)
I watched the entire thing. Yuck. How many times can they pretend that "History" is being represented by this pure conjecture? I want to punch...
For making zorkmid costs, I know the Bankster skill line of the Wizardlands expansion will use this mechanic. I honestly do not recall if this...
Do your work. Do not wait for approval. He can always decline and we can discuss how to change it to not use his code. (I am pretty sure he will...
http://community.gaslampgames.com/threads/faxpax-a-thing-what-fax-made.2397/page-3#post-26903 I searched for "lutefisk sword" and this was one...
Also, where the hell is my precious Elbereth? I had a nicely Blessed Fire Wand and was unable to do this... Unbalancing perhaps. But Elbereth was...
Eyebrow Fortress? Team Brow? Dred Fortress? Team Diggle?
As one of the few remaining big names in Apple said recently about cloud based storage legalities: "What people uploaded and downloaded in their...
To keep working? Are you sure you do not mean "To keep accumulating wealth by monopoly"? Once you have billions, you buy competitors that are...
I have played all three Postal games. They are pretty awful really. Bu the third is so crashy and more bug-riddled than a slumland ghetto motel,...
Head over and play it first. It works just fine in the browser. By the way, I need to lure Waz over to these forums since I have a few unanswered...
I had a lucky run this time. Up until I was befallen by a polymorph trap and a few minor bugs. I had maxed Light and nearly maxed Polearms skill....
Postal 2? Well at least it was not Postal 3... It had some good parts. But really, how long does it remain humorous to bash someone to death with...
I have yet to even use this. I have been wasting all my gaming time playing Wazhack. Man. That game is awesome! But back to CES. I will install it...
Gaslamp Games started using Valve Time. Search for that in your preferred search engine. You will understand immediately. :p
Looks better than the last few Indie Royal bundles though. Thanks for the link LionsDen. :) Anyone who has not played the Exile trilogy would do...
How did the sleeve taste? Somewhat minty? I am surprised this bug still exists. I presume you are running 1.0.11 with RotDG and YHTNTEP?
This could be fun until we get our entire team disbanded for mass suicides by all picking medics and running at the nearest enemy doing nothing at...
Yep. I was greatly shocked they cared at all. I apparently had set my account to only notify me of international charges. If my memory is correct,...
Separate names with a comma.