Wand crafting is one of the new additions to the game (the skill replaces wand lore).
Granted, this happened to me frequently before the hotfix (have not been playing for a bit because of this). It's very frustrating because a) I...
I've mostly been playing Skyrim lately. I did play Rift in the past, but got burned out on it (nowadays, mmo end-games tend to wear me down fast,...
Correct! That's it from me.
No, you have to use all the letters lol.
LOL!!! That's hilarious.
I have one final brain teaser that should be a lot easier than the others: Spell one word out of the letters in "NEW DOOR".
Correct! That's the simplest answer (you didn't need to give me the 5/pi -- my math is rusty nowadays but I'll take your word for that. All I...
Sorry but not correct -- you can't travel 10 miles south when you are at the south pole.
This might be the toughest one (or the easiest one) depending on how your brain works. There's an old riddle -- some of you may know it, but the...
Correct! There's actually a much easier way to explain it: The total distance is 1 mile -- in order to average 60 mph, you have to drive the...
Sorry, that's not correct either...
Good guess. Unfortunately it's wrong.
The next one is not holiday related, but I may as well post it as well. I'll post another if you guys solve it. There is a circular race track...
That's correct! That's actually the fastest I've ever seen someone come up with the correct answer. Usually, people come up with all sorts of...
In honor of the holidays, I thought I'd post this question, which I frequently have posted elsewhere over the years. Here goes: As we all know,...
I don't have a problem with veganism, in principle. I wouldn't recommend it as a lifestyle choice; but if it works for you, great. What I do have...
The horse armor was SUPPOSED to help keep your horse from dying, but considering that the AI would almost always send your horse charging into...
I kronged my fedora and got a +1 to wandcrafting. However when I wear or remove the hat, my wandcrafting skill stays at zero, regardless. IS it...
I've been playing around with the new skill sets, and am trying to figure out how some of the new skills work, and how they interact with each...
Separate names with a comma.