I think that even if they are not to regenerate, the :life_regen: stat should remain untouched. It *IS* used by other skills. I cannot play a...
You are right that it lacks the minimum. But in cases like this, the game defaults to a minimum of zero. <spell name="Zenzizenzizenzic"...
The cost has a minimum it can reach. And you need not worry about it going negative. It uses a 4 byte integer to store the value. You would need a...
"Hey!" "We want to be friends. We get a bit nervous when crowded. Just tell us you are not hostile and we will relax. But be warned that we are...
How many base game skills are each of the three classes? I suspect this factored into the choice to make it a Wizard skill. (At least initially.)
Just to put everyone at ease, Cookie Cutter now has RotDG and the second Expansion.
I do not think there is any real agreed upon Vampire details whatsoever except that they devour the life of others. In some mythos it is not even...
Lol. DoD has a simple mod management method. It requires a mod.xml file like many others you can download and see to emulate. From there,...
Wow Fax. You continue to impress us. :)
Oh. Why was there no notice of this on Desura? Or even here? There was a front page post about 1.0.11 hitting Steam. I figured until they say...
He was speaking of 1.0.11, not the expansion. YHTNTEP requires 1.0.11 to work. Until Desura and Gamefly have 1.0.11 there is no option for it....
You can use notepad and use printscreen to capture a screenshot. (Use the Terminal Font to keep it even.) [ATTACH]
Not at current. The Syzgy you get from a PGGB is "Lesser Syzgy".
The rune does too. You just have to trigger it. :)
"Well Borat, do not let us keep you from your deer." "We have some friends below, but we can get back to them in a few minutes after you get your...
I will not delete the thread. But there is not much point in using it as it is. The balance of GR is actually pretty well thought. This is purely...
Worry only about getting well. A character in a video game can wait. The save will still be there when you are back in force and modding like a...
Unless someone tells me they actually use this, I am abandoning it. I am the only one I know of that uses this at all. And even I see it mostly...
Grab FAXPAX, Interior Dredmorating, and Roguish Renovations. Here is where you will find them all....
I do not think that crossbows *Should* be equal to melee weapons. That would only make sense if you could not use them at range. The whole point...
Separate names with a comma.