This I have mixed feelings about. I like a hard game, but the xbow procs were amazingly useful since once you find/craft a useful xbow it can be...
As per the discussion in several other threads, the only thing keeping me from making a lockpick maker wand is the fact that it would almost...
The Book of Eli Passing Stones Tideland They are each excellent movies, but the second one is all but impossible to find.
As of several minutes ago, I just watched Inception. Wow. That was excellent. It reminded me of the Matrix. (The first one obviously.) I will...
Thank you each. If the five year thing bothers you then ignore it. But I would appreciate letting me know if you do, as I have discarded some...
This one? Hugo Thank you. :)
As the title says, I am looking for something to watch in those few moments I am unable or simply too lazy to actually bother to play a video game...
While that remains true, the blobby is still only one summon. Right now the Meteorology skill is more attractive than this since it does summon...
Would it be possible to have a low chance to accidentally botch a summon to actually summon a hostile monster? If so then you could drastically...
Rageposting is a hobby. I would be without purpose without such off topic rageposts. :) I know you are unlikely to realize it, but it really...
What version of the game and the mod are you using? Something is very wrong for it to work like that. The new Beta RC uses Clockwork Knights as...
Buffs that have the allowstacking ="0" still stack. That needs added unless there is something I am misunderstanding. (It would not be the first...
Ah... Sitting in a circle and spinning stories is what role playing is. Rules are bypassed half the time anyway, weather using another rule or DM...
I know this is entirely off topic, but *Expletive Deleted* They tricked me all of one time and I have not been back. Anytime I see something is...
D&D never needed rules. It is roleplaying and requires imagination. Nothing more is actually needed. Editions are just an excuse to sell the...
It is about time someone made something like this. Thank you Essence. That capstone alone makes the skill worth the points.:)
Next time you change the past or present, please add some money to my bank account. I would love to buy a few things. :) The *Real* purpose of...
I do tend to have a lot of very verbose and general comments... :) I was not really being specific to anything currently in the skill, since the...
Do you want the skill to be a specialty or something a general purpose build can rely upon? If the former, scale with one or two things. If the...
Separate names with a comma.