1.0C Resupply Job of naturalist seems broken

Discussion in 'Bugs' started by Naffarin, Nov 5, 2016.

  1. Naffarin

    Naffarin Bureaucrat-Inspector Exemplar of The Empire

    In this save game the naturalist office never fetches supplies although Surveymode is activated and Stacks of Paper are available. From some debug output i put into naturalist_office.go i can see that the tags are correct, but the job seems never to be taken. But even modifying <base_job_utility weight="0"/> to a value above 1000 didn't change anything in case the new horror jobs have a higher priority.

    Attached Files:

    Samut, mikail 001 and Exile like this.
  2. EsBee

    EsBee Member

    Further info on this bug:

    - With any amount of paper available, the naturalist will not be resupplied
    - Changing the overseer (or toggling between "none") doesn't fix it
    - Toggling between which task focus the workshop is on doesn't fix it
    - Re-clicking the Surveying job (to potentially trigger a supplies check) does not fix it
    ---- It *does* trigger the "Naturalist Workshop Needs Supplies" alert
    -------- Quick side note: the alert refers to "Paper Bundles" rather than Stacks of Paper
    - Destroying and rebuilding the office doesn't fix it
    - Paper used in module goods (such as Science Supplies) works fine
    - Colonists never approach the paper stacks, so it's not the same kind of problem that booze was having
    - Creating new stacks of paper doesn't fix it

    Further notes:
    - Foreign Office can be supplied with paper... so far the problem seems specifically Naturalist-related
    - naturalist_office.go is a total mess. Regardless, numerous tweaks to it result in no fixes

    Continuing my venture through the code... the answer is here, but juuuust out of reach. EDIT: I fold. Tried everything I could, but I'm just not familiar enough with the overall code structure. A *LOT* of stuff seems out of place in naturalist_office.go (other, related files seem fine... or at least consistent), but I'm not even sure that's where the problem is. Even with totally custom bits it just never works (granted it mostly seems to change nothing at all). I'm sure the fix is simple, but I'm not seeing it after hours of tinkering.
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2016
    Samut and Exile like this.
  3. dbaumgart

    dbaumgart Art Director Staff Member

    Found it! If you want to fix this yourself, for version 1.0C (experimental), replace your jobs.xml file with the jobs.xml in the attached .zip file.

    (The problem was that require_work_building does not accept multiple tags.)

    Attached Files:

      File size:
      29.1 KB
    Exile, DrusoMR, Jagwithtude and 2 others like this.
  4. siaftza

    siaftza Member

    i tried this and now foreign office doesn't get supplied
    Exile likes this.
  5. Jagwithtude

    Jagwithtude Member

    Perhaps you should upload your latest save with this happening, as I have this installed in my game and have no problems with my foreign office being supplied.
    Exile likes this.
  6. braindamage

    braindamage Member

    I used the new jobs.xml also in 1.0c, and my bartender still does not stock the bar with the wine I have made..
    Exile likes this.
  7. braindamage

    braindamage Member

    It almost seems like it is the Wine that is bugged, or the Storage Zone. She wants to keep picking it from the front-right corner of the storage, and putting it back down. Sometimes "new" crates of wine appear also (even though I am not making any wine at the moment), and she picks those up and puts them in the corner of the storage. Sometimes other workers also pick up these "magically appearing" crates of wine and put them in the corner. They are also trying to stack them on TOP of some meat that has been in that corner for awhile now.

    Funny that the animations for people drinking are appearing because i have chairs made and people come in and sit down and it animates them drinking a cup of something ...
    Exile likes this.
  8. Jagwithtude

    Jagwithtude Member

    Exile likes this.
  9. Trev_lite

    Trev_lite Member

    I am having a similar problem with my lab.
    I have science materials but no one is bringing them to the lab.
    Exile likes this.
  10. siaftza

    siaftza Member

    i uninstalled then reinstalled with the new jobs.xml file, everything seems to be working fine now although not sure why i get a shipment of science materials every few days. although, not really complaining haha
    Exile likes this.
  11. Naffarin

    Naffarin Bureaucrat-Inspector Exemplar of The Empire

    Interesting, i had the same bug for a stopped after some time. As a matter of interest, did you have a bamboo farm ? It seemed as if the science materials would pop upon harvest.
    Exile likes this.
  12. siaftza

    siaftza Member

    nope, no bamboo farm. and it's happened since i first started the game and only had maize farm/carpenter/kitchen...and the game before i uninstalled/reinstalled also had it so don't think it has anything to do with naturalist thing. i have only noticed it since 1.0 release though
    Exile likes this.
  13. Sathra

    Sathra Member

    I've had this happen a few times, but just now actually saw it happen. Checked the history log and it seems that the most recent event was the Scientist levelling up.
    Exile likes this.
  14. siaftza

    siaftza Member

    nope, it's gone for me now on a new game. maybe related but doesn't seem to be a consistent bug
    Exile likes this.
  15. dbaumgart

    dbaumgart Art Director Staff Member

    1. I'll link this: Can we have a single place for file patches? which is a central place where I've put the two fixes.

    2. I've looked at the Palmerstoke Science Assistance event and it seems like it should operate correctly -- is this the one that you're saying drops extra materials every day, or is it something else? If it's to do with the Laboratory being supplied and you're running on 1.0C, have you installed both the fixes linked above? If so, and it's not working, that's a problem!
    Exile likes this.
  16. Naffarin

    Naffarin Bureaucrat-Inspector Exemplar of The Empire

    I tried to reproduce it with a save game that showed the bug, but it doesn't seem to occur any more.
    The game is 1.0c with both patches applied (although i think that i patched the jobs.xml manually).
    Exile likes this.
  17. Sathra

    Sathra Member

    Its more that sometimes several chests of Science Materials (the work commodity for Labs) just...appear. I've had it happen twice more since my last post (about 6 chests each time), and haven't had a Palmerstroke event for 20 game days or more.
    The one time I did see them appear, they spawned at the origin point where airdrops usually spawn (without the crate-parachute thing) with the little puffs of smoke under them. Had an occult investigation running at the time.
    siaftza and Exile like this.
  18. Naffarin

    Naffarin Bureaucrat-Inspector Exemplar of The Empire

    Guess its the organized_finds_supplies event, although that one should show up on the gui
    Exile likes this.
  19. Sathra

    Sathra Member

    Come to think of it, I did have beer randomly spawn too (nowhere near the drop point though).
    Exile likes this.
  20. dbaumgart

    dbaumgart Art Director Staff Member

    Yes, that's the one. It is spawning the wrong set of objects - they entity names were swapped between the "organized finds supplies" and the "science assistance" events. This will be fixed!
    Exile likes this.