Windows Vista/7 64-bit a mirror darkly shield bug

Discussion in 'Bugs' started by ender4, Jun 7, 2012.

  1. ender4

    ender4 Member

    The shield's proc seems to be on melee hit received, whereas the description indicates it should proc when magic is reflected. Basically when you are hit in melee it procs on the monster causing bleeding and some more effects a few turns later including a small explosion or two. The problem is that it can affect the player putting the player to sleep (or maybe paralyzing the player) as well as dealing a lot of damage to the player. Not effective as a shield. If the effect proc'd when reflecting magic it would be far less debilitating to the player.
  2. wRAR

    wRAR Member

    Can anyone say anything about the current Mirror Darkly stats? The only significant difference from the Mirror Shield is the zalgo proc which apparently does bad things for the user most of the time, so why sould we use it?
  3. mining

    mining Member

    The Zalgo proc is boss. It stomps all over things that hit you and with decent resists you can tank through it.
  4. Kazeto

    Kazeto Member

    Knowing how it hits you, you can get appropriate resistances to make it rape you less. The monsters won't be so lucky.
    It's like Clockwork Knight's rocket jumping ability. It damages you, but you just need to get some blasting resistance and it won't be an issue any longer..
  5. wRAR

    wRAR Member

    And how can I resist Paralysis?
  6. Kazeto

    Kazeto Member

    Stack magic resistance.
  7. mining

    mining Member

    Don't walk on the tile of the monster that last hit you for a couple of seconds. Its actually that simple.
    Kazeto likes this.