My r32C and r32d first impressions: aw, cots seem to be broken (Devs are looking into it) workshops have 'standing order' interface UI, that should make many people happy - pretty seriously bugged (but it may now be fixed with r32d) Snails! Just like the real Victorians, I must now hunt and kill every new species I encounter for screenshots, meat, and wiki data. Bandits! Completely unexpected, and awesome - on one hand, they take so long to reach the colony after the alert, I completely forgot about this exciting new thing. On the other hand, I can scavenge their weapons after I kill them! Tweaks to soldier and fleeing behaviour are very subtle, but very welcome. I have had practically no instances of fleeing in terror /murderous pursuit / strolling over to butcher a corpse at the edge of the world I notice it is still not possible to bake pies in the jungle. For now, science still cannot answer the question: "Is it possible to bake a Meat Pie from Giant Beetle Steak?"
Looking forward to testing when I get back tonight. As usual fast actions taken from devs and quick responses to issues. Keep it up. Majority of updates that are put up continue to show just how awesome this game could and will hopefully become once near completion.
OSX version i get the error: Couldn't find game data: giving up, tried uninstalling and re-installing, same error
Thanks Nicholas, appreciate all your hard work on the osx front, iv been holding off playing it on windows as hate booting up in bootcamp haha