Discussion in 'Clockwork Empires General' started by Nicholas, Aug 28, 2015.

  1. Nicholas

    Nicholas Technology Director Staff Member

    The bricks should have merged into a larger pile. If they didn't, that's a bug and I'd like the save game where that happened (I just confirmed that my bricks stack just fine.) Thanks!
  2. Samut

    Samut Member

    Here's a saved game with non-stacking brick piles.


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  3. HGGM

    HGGM Member

  4. Nicholas

    Nicholas Technology Director Staff Member

    Fixed them for 42D.
    Lord Brassbucket likes this.
  5. Alianin

    Alianin Member

    Encountered some strange behavior today. They join a cult and then consider the person that recruited them an enemy? This same character was later preaching about the cult. Looking at her character info she has "She was offended by talk of the Occult." listed. The first rule of Fight Club is don't talk about Fight Club?

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    Last edited: Sep 2, 2015
  6. Olek

    Olek Member

    Just a thought, when starting a new game on a new revision, should we be creating a new world?
  7. I started a new world on 42C.....but got the same world, or the same map anyhow with New Sogwood on it's own island. I then started another new world and got the same. I then exited the game and reloaded and started a new game and got a new map. Weird?
  8. Wolg

    Wolg Member

    Is anyone else seeing bias in terms of where naturalists explore? On temperate, mine seem loath to enter the high ground, always heading down/right... Perhaps they should prioritise mineral beacons in order of proximity to civilisation?
  9. Tbolivar

    Tbolivar Member

    Please check this save game, something wrong with scripts I have more then 5 error's about that, please help, cuz ppl
    began to slow down but I have 40 - 60 FPS

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  10. Tbolivar

    Tbolivar Member

    What should I do with this ? 1.jpg 2.jpg
  11. dbaumgart

    dbaumgart Art Director Staff Member

    This particular error is almost certainly fixed for the next patch, but if you get us the console.txt file generated by that game then we can see what exactly the problem is. If that's not possible, a savegame zip from around the time of the error could also be useful.

    Edit: And just noticed that you were the post right before that too, and attached a savegame. Perfect! Looking into it.

    Edit2: And unfortunately I can't see the scripterrors you ran into when I reload - everything is working perfectly for a few days. What a lovely colony; I quite enjoy the architecture and ridiculously abundant supply of food!
    Last edited: Sep 8, 2015