Discussion in 'Clockwork Empires General' started by Nicholas, Oct 6, 2015.

  1. Tikigod

    Tikigod Member

    That sounds like a lot of micromanagement injection.
  2. Samut

    Samut Member

    I'm talking about adding that capability to the parsing engine CE uses in its Lua scripts, not something individual players would have to do.
  3. Tikigod

    Tikigod Member

    Sorry, clearly misunderstood what you meant by "we could" then. :)
  4. Drumhead

    Drumhead Member

    There has been a lot of work done on the UI lately. I would like to request that the commodities window be given the same right click filter ability as the stockpiles currently have. It would allow for easy viewing of only food products, etc.

    Also, really liking where offices are going. High hopes!
  5. Pearl Pickwick.jpg

    Desire to be a farmer seems to be unfulfillable right now. Desire to see fishperson works.

    Fish desire.JPG

    Desire to have a friend in frontier also seems unfulfillable at the moment.

    Friendship desire.JPG

    Attached Files:

  6. Jim Andrews

    Jim Andrews Member

    Dentist cults. I like it! Am I the only one hoping for the great Steve Martin song from Little Shop of Horrors?
  7. Tikigod

    Tikigod Member

    See cults coming?

    But you're forgetting something!