The neat thing with mages is that they need to invest a minimum of 2 skills to be able to do what you're saying - a magic skill tree, and a mana regeneration skill tree. If they want to have access to at least two damage types (essential to not get screwed over on floor X) they'll need at least 3 skills - and these offer nothing except for those spells. Contrast this with tinkering, where you get traps, ability to churn out bolts and make some gear. Every playstyle needs an array of supporting skills: Ask a mage how far they got without alchemy or ley or blood or 2 of the above - probably not far. How about melee and a whole array of support skills like demonology, smithing, alchemy. Hell, melee needs to use external archetypes, e.g. crossbows to be efficient in killing groups. I was kind of referring to getting to use dual tomes in place of, say, two swords. If you get procs from skills it tends to be because you didn't get something else. I'm not fussed about the mod, I'm fussed about balance discussion - if people want to make XYZ mods that do ABC then I don't really mind, I might use them, might not - I don't overly care. I do, however, like talking game balance and decisions.
Well, then, the thing to do would be constructive criticism. How would you suggest actually balancing this mod outside of "don't make it." Is there too much early damage? Does it still fall flat late game? Too many on hit effects and not enough buffs? Recovery rate too low or too high? (Currently, Crossbow adds 50 recovery rate and my three skills add another 25 to it - you can't add recoveryBuff to items or spells, unfortunately) Should skills be gotten in a different order? There's a reason I uploaded the beta versions - so people could download them, try them, and come back with useful suggestions for balance. Also, a lot of people have asked for more regular armor geared towards crossbow users. What exactly did some people have in mind?
I'm just saying I think adding raw power is just going to result in something well overpowered. Things like more recovery rate would be good, possibly 1-2 ranks in tinker - little things like that are cool, don't push damages to the moooon and let archers have more fun.
Important! Work on this is going on temporary hiatus until the new expansion comes out. I don't want to spend three hours making new bows only to find out they put nearly the exact same ones in the game already, after all Keep your suggestions coming, though, and I'll implement them once I get back to work on it.
The Chloroform bolt doesn't appear to be working as intended. The monster wakes up on the same turn it is hit instead of after 4 turns. By this, I mean that I fire the bolt, it hits the monster and the damage is done and the monster wakes up. This is when the monster wasn't asleep to begin with. It seems as though the sleep is activating before the damage is applied and then the damage causes the monster to wake up.
Oh - I had what I believe to be an AWESOME new passive skill for crossbow users: Repeat Shot. Here's how it works: Whenever you fire a crossbow bolt, you have a ~40% chance to spawn a self-buff that lasts only 1 turn. This buff gives +5, +15, +15 (ranged only). The idea is that if you are relying on firing lots of bolts - such that you're doing 2 or 3 in a row - you'll be doing more damage over time. This promotes characters who focus on crossbow skills.