Discussion in 'Clockwork Empires General' started by Nicholas, Aug 19, 2016.

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  1. Unforked

    Unforked Member

    I'm not sure the core mechanic will be ditched at this point, but I do hope it will evolve into something you can tolerate enough to enjoy the game again. :(
    Manamoo likes this.
  2. Puzzlemaker

    Puzzlemaker Member

    Unforked likes this.
  3. Unforked

    Unforked Member

    That's a really good idea. I wouldn't mind building things for the purpose of having to feed the empire, because it fits into the overall narrative and serves an interesting gameplay mechanic other than: make trunks or things break.
    DaCrAzYmOfO and Manamoo like this.
  4. Manamoo

    Manamoo Member

    @Unforked I do miss playing, that's for sure...I hope it will evolve too...I miss the Fishy Peoples!! (what I call this game, lol)

    @Puzzlemaker I was hoping if they insist on keeping it to do a building dedicated to maintenance....I'm glad I'm not the only one that feels that it doesn't fit...I hate being a pest...but seriously this was THE game I played...and was so excited it's not, and it makes me sad.
    DaCrAzYmOfO likes this.
  5. Mikel

    Mikel Waiting On Paperwork From The Ministry. Forever.

    The developers have certainly toned down the cost of chests and the early game costs... But the time sink is still the same. My 53b colonies so far have remained pretty small, so stockpile distance hasn't become a concern. I assume it becomes more noticeable when those distances increase.
  6. Naffarin

    Naffarin Bureaucrat-Inspector Exemplar of The Empire

    I must admit with the changes of 53b the upkeep system has become too easy in my opinion, even without an advanced workbench the requirements are easily handled ... but it doesn't change anyway that the upkeep system destroys a whole lot of the immersion feeling for the game because i end up sitting puzzled that a bed or a table which i bought in real life 10 years ago without changing a plank or a nail breaks down in game after a few days. This is actually what i actually don't like about the whole system...the orientation about modules makes it unlogical and unbelievable. So very much like the reasons stated by Manamoo the current game of the state is not really inviting for me to play and i am really sad about it because in the start this game was very promising.
  7. Mikel

    Mikel Waiting On Paperwork From The Ministry. Forever.

    Based on what I've read, the developers understand that upkeep will never be loved, just hopefully tolerated... I am thinking that they haven't found the right level yet, or may need to consider a different mechanism as a resource sink.
  8. Puzzlemaker

    Puzzlemaker Member

    Yeah, I really hope they choose taxes as the resource sink. The biggest problem I see with the current system is there really isn't any choice to make. Even with food you get choices, like what should be used to make booze and what should be grown. With upkeep trumks, it's basically just use stone and clay.

    If they find a more interesting way to do upkeep that would be nice. It would be a shame to shelve the whole system though. Personally I hope they either really change how upkeep works or replace it with taxes.
    DaCrAzYmOfO likes this.
  9. Manamoo

    Manamoo Member

    When I started it was so I just don't's lost the appeal. I wanted more Lovecraftian craziness...and odd events, like that. Madness that leads to hacking up your fellow colonist and eating him....fishy people, weird supernatural stuff, all with a nice fluid, neat builder as the icing on the the builder part is so bogged down that everything else just gets overshadowed...I hope the dev's listen to all of us that are saying no to upkeep...or at least no to this kind of upkeep.

    @Naffarin You make a valid point on upkeep with real life furniture. Never have HAD to replace furniture because it broke, I've replaced because it was getting a bit worn out.

    I honestly think that the housing per population thing was enough...for population control, etc. The upkeep just sticks out like a sore takes the fun away...I really really hope they fix/take it away/burn/nuke the upkeep was so much fun without it, stuff did break and it got fixed without any worries...which let you worry about the Obleskians about to gnaw your colonist's heads' off...I do really want to play...hence still being here, posting, trying to see if there's a fix, change...something. I don't want to give up on this was everything I was looking for and more until...upkeep.
  10. Drumhead

    Drumhead Member

    on the subject of resource sinks, maybe a periodic shipment of goods back to the empire? I note that it is kindof difficult to keep your standing high with the empire if you keep using favors, maybe the number of resources supplied to the empire could generate extra standing or something based on your output. just an idea to toy with, if we need a resource sink.
  11. Mokkun

    Mokkun Member

    Had a strange script error related to burrial order given. also a crash while the game was idling while I was taking a nap (at 04:00 at night).. Strangly it gave no crashdump. 20160826024000_1.jpg

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