Clothes on your character

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Rocky, Jan 7, 2012.

  1. I have an idea.

    I agree, animating it all would be insane. I already knew that... so instead of animating them, what about a simple visualization to go by? I would personally be ecstatic just seeing what the person looks like wearing all that weird stuff altogether in a portrait image on the equipment screen, honestly. Then you would just have to split the characters into body piece images (head, chest.. etc) and make a sprite of each item for each body piece and possibly gender. If you wanted to have a side-view/back-view as well, that's up to you, but frontwards is probably good enough. All in all, I just need a quick reminder of what he/she looks like wearing a mixed mess of junk, but the current equipment screen doesn't quite cut it for me at this time.

    I wish a lot of games did this actually... especially Disgaea with their trashcan helmets and tiny little fairy shortbows. I don't even know why they bothered naming the equipment as cute and funny objects like that if you can't even see it on a character picture somewhere. As far as I'm concerned, they might as well have just called all the helmets "Helmet" at that point. I drew some fan art of a few of my favorite team members wearing all their weird stuff, but I would have liked to have seen it on a character *somewhere* in the game, even if it's not out in the field.

    See what I'm saying?
    ElectricMessiah likes this.
  2. Wi§p

    Wi§p Member

    That does seem alot more practical.. probably only 2-4 sprites minimum per piece and alot of them could be reused. Most of the in-game sprites could probably just be directly pasted even! (I am hoping that this suggestion doesn't have hidden un-reasonableness as well..)
  3. It might also be neat to see the equipment portrait as PNG art like the skill/buff icons are and not as sprites. Might even be easier that way, with a basic clothing template for each body piece. I used to make digital paper dolls like that and it was great fun. :)
  4. Wi§p

    Wi§p Member

    That could actually be really nice.. I really enjoy the skill icons, and I have a feeling that I would try to equip everything at least once if they ever decided to add this ^^
  5. tehrei

    tehrei Member

    It would be nice, but I still think that the amount of time and effort spent on that would be better spent elsewhere. It would certainly be less work than putting the equipment on your actual character, but it would still be a lot of work.
    That being said, I sort of like your idea anyway. Maybe if you'd cut it down to just displaying your headgear and/or add something to the Doom-style character portrait next to your HP..? That should be even less work while adding a cosmetic effect that you as a player will always see. I personally don't feel too much of a need for the changes discussed in this thread, but if people really, really want it then something like that would probably be a bit more reasonable. Come to think of it it would be pretty cool if you had some minor change to your portrait, related to one of your skill tree's. Shouldn't be done for more than a couple (if indeed, at all) of skills though, and just add something small, like if you maxed vampirism your char looks paler and/or glitters on some levels. That would add some character-customization at least.

    As I've said like 30 times in one post, I still don't think this should be on the to-do list, but it might fit into the consider-doing-this-at-some-point list.

    edit: and when I say displaying your headgear I meant on the portrait of course.
    DaVici likes this.
  6. Wi§p

    Wi§p Member

    I do have to agree with you tehrei.. maybe if some type of mod support was added for the character portraits someone might be willing to a make a mod around it (especially for those that enjoy making art ^^), and the mod support would hopefully probably not take that much development time to implement.

    I don't personally want this that much (although the more ridiculous helmets would be nice to see).. since I mainly play this like a rogue-like, but I can imagine that some people would. After all, this 'rogue-like' definitely seems to be aimed at non rogue-like fans, and so far does an exceptional job at it ^^
  7. zaratustra

    zaratustra Member

    "Developers are busy people" is also the answer to -that- question.
  8. Samupo

    Samupo Member

    The idea of Spectreincarnate seems good to me. It is still a lot of work but as it isn't a priority I think they can make some pieces of equipment for each patch, there's no need to release all at the same time. If they code something that looks for nameofitem_m/f_equip.png and if exists is displayed I'm sure modders will do the rest (just as Wisp said).
  9. tehrei

    tehrei Member

    I'm afraid I don't quite get your point. Of course they are busy doing their job, which one might argue also includes taking an active interest in the online community that they themselves created.
    Do you not like the developers interacting with their consumers in this way or did you just want to inform me that said developers have other duties to attend to? I assume it is the former, since Gaslamp Games seem to manage the latter even though they also have other things to do...
  10. Let me make one thing very clear as I'm telling you what to do...

    Get use to it! ;)

    I'm sure if you ask real nice, most of us would be willing to B*tch, Moan, Whinge and Cry from time to time. :rolleyes:

    Also, I do like Spectreincarnate's idea of a portraite showing your equipped items. That would be neat.
  11. FaxCelestis

    FaxCelestis Will Mod for Digglebucks

    I hate that spelling of "whine", but I can't ever say anything about it because it's technically Australian-English (from old Scottish) correct.

    On topic, the fact that developers actively respond is one of the main reasons I like smaller games.
  12. zaratustra

    zaratustra Member

    I was implying you shouldn't assume things. that's all.
  13. sidd

    sidd Member

    Hi, i just signed up on the forum :) My name is Sid, im french.

    I'm glad to know that the devs are thinking about adding new Characters, i think it's a great idea !

    But maybe you guys could also add the option to modify the colors of the characters ? it's a cheap way to allow customization, and you can even make people pay for it ... i mean, capcom does that all the time so i wouldn't bother :p