1.0D Colonist running on spot

Discussion in 'Bugs' started by mrbunnyban, Nov 28, 2016.

  1. mrbunnyban

    mrbunnyban Member

    Okay. So when pathfinding tries is set to 4, the colonist ends up never completing tasks. When the pathfinding is set to 20 , I end up with a colonist running on the spot. Well, at least I think thats why the colonist is doing that. Take a look at Leopold Squeers in this game.
  2. Sathra

    Sathra Member

    You forgot to attach a save.
  3. mrbunnyban

    mrbunnyban Member


    Thank you Sathra.

    Attached Files:

  4. mrbunnyban

    mrbunnyban Member

    And it's happening again. Check out Achilles Foreign walking on the spot.

    Attached Files:

  5. BearCavalry

    BearCavalry Member

    I have also encountered this bug. It happened when i loaded up my game one day, several of my colonists were in the middle of fleeing or running and just continued to do so on the spot.
  6. mrbunnyban

    mrbunnyban Member

    Heya Bearcavlary,

    Did you modify the game files in any way? I changed the pathfinding to give up only after 20 failures instead of 4. Did you do that too?
  7. BearCavalry

    BearCavalry Member

    nah, just scraped the save. Has not occurred since. I tried reloading a previous save but it was corrupted somehow.
  8. mrbunnyban

    mrbunnyban Member

    Just wanted to an a quick update to this. The colonist doesn't STAY stuck. Eventually they stop trying to do whatever they were doing and break off to do something else. I think this reinforces my theory that the pathfinding is what is at fault.

    Perhaps the pathfinding programming needs a bit more work?