I'm assuming it's known, but my search fu is excessively weak. Beta test3. Game does a silent crash to desktop (fortunately it writes a dump - first attachment) when scrolling on the crafting UI with the mousewheel. Animation speed is default. Able to crash it every time. Elvish, NTtG, Perma, RotDG. Rogue Sci, Archae, Burg, Percept, Dodge, Alchemy, Assassination (selected in that order). Female named Roguetta (yes, I suck at naming ). Tried with a completely different character and build (randomed 'til I got one with a craft), no crash. Tried original build (skills selected in different order), male character and different name, crash (second attachment). Third try, replaced Alchemy with Tinkering (third attachment), crash. EDIT: Fourth try, replaced Archaeology with Daggers (so Rogue Scientist, Daggers, Burglary, Perception, Artful Dodging, Alchemy, Assassination). No crash. I don't have the patience to try over and over to find out just which skill combo it is that's screwing things up. Hope there's enough to help track it down... EDIT AGAIN: Guess it's the same bug as http://community.gaslampgames.com/threads/using-mousewheel-without-any-spell-crash-the-game.5711/
May I suggest "Professora leSneak"? She's clearly at least a grad student with Scientist, Archeology, and Alchemy. Or "Sureluck Homegirl"? Dunno, rogue sci + perception + burg just comes off Holmesian to me. Or "Killer Kitten"? She's obviously a cat burglar what with burg, dodge, assassination. Just tossing some idea out there.