I entered Level 7 and was hit by a Snow Baal for 9 with 16 and 2 . I applied a Gaga's Glaze to my helmet and armor (for 4 ) for a total of 6 . I got hit again by one and it still did 9 to me. I checked by taking off my helmet which was giving 2 and 1 , and it did 10 . Whassup wit dat? Also to note, I have no mods installed. Edit: It seems no is being applied from any source. I went back to level 1 and took off all gear and was taking 2 from Gnomes. I equipped the Helm of Threepwood (11) and was taking 1 from the Gnome. Edit 2: Through more tests, I found out isn't taking effect either (and shamefully killed my 20+ hrs run in the process T-T). If I had to guess, the bug is effecting as well, the three mundane damage types. Edit 3: On a new run, I equipped the Little Red Cookbook for 1 which seemed to take effect, but continued to give the after I unequipped it and the resistance did not show in the resistance bar. Somethings seems a little fucky with my game.