[I am 1 square to the right of where Centi 7 was, 12,5 feet from the easternmost wall, 17,5 feet to the right of the eastern edge of the door. Also, I am facing the door and glued to the Southern wall (at this present moment, at floor level (just in case you need more coördinates ))]
[Swig previously mentionned he wasnt equipped for up front combat, so he d probably like to be a bit more to the west. Otherwise good]
(We will move him in post.) Suddenly, the door opens and Berz is staring a very large, very red demon in the face. He yells over his shoulder, "Hey, boss, I don't see any ghouls, but I did find some customers." The other voice shouts back, "Well, bring them here, you fool!" The demon steps to the side and motions to a door on the west side of the room. "After you!"
"Hrm...well, an angel did try to kill me yesterday. I suppose that's no stranger than a demon offering to sell me something." Berz walks through the door.
Torma looks, surprised, at the other adventurers, wondering if they're accustomed to this kind of thing. " Well why dont you go ahead Demon, and we follow you ? "