Decent into the Dungeon (IC Thread)

Discussion in 'RPGs' started by Dyrynify, Oct 25, 2011.

  1. blob

    blob Member

    ( Oh, Torma kneels down and prays too. )
  2. Hort goes right up to the anvil and attempts to read what is carved all over it
  3. "Guys! Guys! I think I can restore this anvil after we use it. It'll take about an hour though so I hope you guys have something to keep busy. In the meantime however!" Hort puts her pure black dagger on the anvil then starts praying to Krog.
  4. Dyrynify

    Dyrynify Member

    There is a flast of red light.
  5. blob

    blob Member

    " By Saint Faltagor ! Did He actually blessed your weapon ? "
  6. "Uhhhh, I dunno. Maybe I should try stabbing something!" Hort looks around the room "Probably not anyone in the room currently."
  7. blob

    blob Member

    Torma looks at Rantic "Maybe Rantic can take a look at it. Or, maybe you can try it on one of those gigantic skelettons he seems to be collecting in his robe ?"
  8. blob

    blob Member

    "Meanwhile I'm gonna give it a try myself..."
    He takes off a small silver ring with a fine entralace design and places it on the altar. He closes his eyes and yells "I call upon you Krong ! Grant me help to avenge my friends or curse me for my foolishness !"
  9. Godwin

    Godwin Member

    Rantic is already all over carvings, not paying much heed to the antics of the group. Everytime there's a flash from people putting stuff on the anvil he looks up a tad annoyed at being interrupted in trying to decipher the language

    [Decipher Script +11, would prefer the info to be in a PM if you don't mind, not just now, but always in these kind of things, offers more RP interaction possibilities].
    Wi§p and brobbeh like this.
  10. Dyrynify

    Dyrynify Member

    (Lot of PM stuff.)

    There is a brown flash and the sound of wings flapping with the ring.

    When Hort Picks up the blade, it begins squirting blood, about the same as a small squirt gun, every couple of seconds.

    When Torma puts the ring back on, he is suddenly covered in feathers.
  11. Godwin

    Godwin Member

    Rantic looks up and sees Torma covered in feathers and Hort's squirting dagger, and especially the look on her face.

    He can't help it but begins laughing, genuinely. "Hahahaha... haha and I... ahaha... I... hahaha I am BLUE! Whahahahaha!!"
    Wi§p and brobbeh like this.
  12. TheJadedMieu

    TheJadedMieu Member

    Danton is attempting to maintain his composure, but bursts out laughing.
  13. blob

    blob Member

    " It seems like Krong decided I needed some relooking. I admit I had not been taken care of my appearance much lately, but this... is gonna take some time to get accustomed to. However..." Torma puts on a large smile, as he extends his hand in the direction of Rantic and raises it slightly, a concentrated look on his face...
  14. Dyrynify

    Dyrynify Member

    Rantic lifts completely off the ground, then gently lowers back down.
  15. Godwin

    Godwin Member

    Rantic doesn't notice and is still laughing but suddenly the laughing, without any sort of break goes over in hard crying and he stops after a short while, tears running over his cheeks, looking unsure whether to smile or cry again.
    brobbeh likes this.
  16. Godwin

    Godwin Member

    He then suddenly lifts from the ground and raises an eyebrow at Torma, still looking perplexed from his emotional outburst.
  17. Godwin

    Godwin Member

    After he comes down he says very quietly: "I haven't laughed from joy like that... ever. It is..." he swallows "... nice."
  18. Essence

    Essence Will Mod for Digglebucks

    "You're not Krong." Berz says to no one in particular.

    Then, as Rantic starts to float, he starts to hum unconsciously.

    ...badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger...

    Finally, as Rantic mentions joy, Berz' face goes flat.

    "Joy. Don't talk to me about joy."

    Berz turns away from the altar. "...let's get going."

    mushroom mushrooooom
    Wi§p likes this.
  19. At Torma getting feathers "Wow! That's so cool!" Hort starts waving her hands (with dagger still in hand) furiously. "This is always the best part of being down here." Hort says with a big smile
  20. Godwin

    Godwin Member

    Rantic shakes himself.

    "You don't mean to say you've been here before, right, Hort? Also, what was that you said about making the altar work twice?"

    In the meantime Rantic removes his studded leather armor and places it on the altar.