Torma throws his ax at the enemy (d20+11=16; Hit:2d6+3=15)(d%=30) Suddenly, it is raining. Berz yells in rage, and goes swinging (d20+14=24; Hit:1d12+3d6+10=27[3 self; 2 heal])(d20+8=16; Hit:1d12+3d6+10=23[4 self; 2 heal]) Dead Lizard. Cleave: Trog 8 (d20+8=20; Hit:1d12+3d6+10=34[6 self; 3 heal]) Dead Trog. Cleave: Trog 7 (d20+8=18; Hit:1d12+3d6+10=22[4 self; 1 heal]) Another dead Trog. Cleave: Monitor Lizard 3 (d20+8=28; Critical threat, d20+8=18, Confirmed:[1d12+10x3]+3d6=74[6 self; 2 heal]) Dead Lizard. Total HP loss: 13 Berz. One of the Trogs bark orders in some strange language, and the two Lizards advance on Berz. They attack (d20+5=22; Hit: 1d8+4=11)(d20+5=20; Hit: 1d8+4=12) After all this, Berz is hurting quite a bit. Total HP loss: 23 Berz Rantic summons 4 skeletons who begin to guard the corner where the rest of the party is. He steps back to allow others to move in. Danton, having to pick a new target, goes for Trog 3 (d20+11=24; Hit: 1d8+8+1d6=16) Dead Trog. Cleave: Monitor Lizard 1 (d20+6=23; Hit: 1d8+8+1d6=15) Not dead, but hurting. Hort launches a fireball, and the air around Trog 4 explodes (1d6=5) Berz is the only one who makes a reflex save, and only takes 2 of the 5 damage Danton takes. Total HP loss: 2 Berz, 5 Danton. The Trogs, seeing that Berz is very dangerous, all gang up on him. 3 throw javelins at him (d20+1=17; Hit: 1d6=2) (d20+1=17; Hit: 1d6=5) (d20+1=18; Hit: 1d6=4) The other one goes for claws and bite (d20+1=16; Hit: 1d4=4)(d20+1=18; Hit: 1d4=2)(d20-1=16; Hit: 1d4=4) Total HP loss: 21 Berz. Next round!
"Wow Berz!" Rantic is impressed by the slaughter. "Well what are you standing here for skellies? ATTACK!" Rantic runs forward behind his skellies and when in range throws his Scythe [+10 (2d4+5; x4)] to the most wounded enemy.
Right. I did forget about the Con bonus from raging. So 11 HP and still going. Berz screams at Danton. "ACE!!! Little help here!?" Berz takes a 5' shift to the NE and starts his next chain of attacks with T5.
Torma wields his two swords, runs up to Trog 1 and 2 and bash them. [+8; 1d8+1d6+5] [+9; 1d8+6] on Trog 1 [+5; 1d8+6] on Trog 2. (sword 1, sword2, sword2)
"I've got you, Berz!" Danton takes a 5-ft step to the SE, converts Neutralize Poison to Cure Critical Wounds, and defensively casts it on Berz. (4d8+9 healed, Concentration +18)
(My bad with that fireball. Hadn't considered where everyone would be BEFORE my turn.) Hort draws crossbow and moves up 5 feet diagonally, then shoots at lizard 2 (+12 1d6+1d6 ice)
((Sorry, guys, life is kicking me in the face the second half of this week. I will just post a quick one to keep things moving.)) Torma slashes the first two trogs, killing them. Berz finishes off the last two trogs and one of the lizards. The last lizard misses Danton, and is cut down by Rantic's Skeletons.
Berz turns with a huge grin on his face and high-fives Danton. "You and me, man. More of that. Booyah!" ... "Screw bows."
(Crap, thought I'd got the heal off!) "Err... Let me help you with that." Same as before, convert Neutralize Poison to Cure Critical, 4d8+9 hp.
"Nice job skeletons." Rantic takes Hort apart and whispers: "Nice little fireball there, but you might want to take into consideration our front line melee fighters. They usually spoil the fun for such things whenever you don't actively restrain them." He winks at the little halfling. Then he starts to search the bodies, looking for the statue's hand, and anything else that's interesting.
"Yeah, first time I've done that so I kind of messed it up." Hort turns to everyone else "Sorry about that guys! I'll try to plan that out better next time. Now that we have the hand though, we should return to the statue."
Danton bows his head. "Thank you, oh great Inconsequentia." "Unfortunately, this weapon is outside my area of expertise. Who wants it?"