Decent into the Dungeon (IC Thread)

Discussion in 'RPGs' started by Dyrynify, Oct 25, 2011.

  1. Dyrynify

    Dyrynify Member

    You come around the corner, and there is a 10' hallway, then a door.
  2. Dyrynify

    Dyrynify Member

    The door is stone.
  3. LonePaladin

    LonePaladin Member

    Swig cocks his head sideways after finishing his spell. "Hey, guys. Take a look here. Somethin' ain't right about this door." (Search checks all around!)
  4. Dyrynify

    Dyrynify Member

    (d20+12=30)(d20+4=24)(d20+6=12)(d20+0=7)For the most part, you all cant see anything. The door is locked, but that is all you can tell. Hort, however, can detect that there is a trap. Dun dun duuuunnn!
  5. Essence

    Essence Will Mod for Digglebucks

    "OK, so it's trapped. You want I should break the door down and see if that keeps it from going off? Or," Berz looks at Hort, "are you gonna pull some crazy Diggle Commando crap out of your stumpy little butt?"
  6. "Errrm, that's a weird way of putting it, but sure!" Hort attempts to disable the trap (+12)
  7. Godwin

    Godwin Member

    Dragore waits around the corner, just in case.
  8. LonePaladin

    LonePaladin Member

    "Diggle commando crap, heh. If you're goin' commando, do it like a diggle!"
  9. Dyrynify

    Dyrynify Member

    You think you might have disarmed it.
  10. "Well everyone, the way should be clear. Let's move on." Hort walks into the long corridor searching (+12) as he moves down.
  11. Dyrynify

    Dyrynify Member

    I think you have made a mistake. The first door, the secret door, led to the long hallway. At the end, around the corner was the trapped and locked door.
  12. LonePaladin

    LonePaladin Member

    The fuzzy-looking area is where the alarm spell is covering; the door with the dot is the possibly-trapped one. map15x5.png
  13. Essence

    Essence Will Mod for Digglebucks

    "Welp, here goes something."

    Berz readies his axe and opens the door.
  14. Dyrynify

    Dyrynify Member

    It is still locked. He tried Disable Device, not Open Lock. Unless you want to kick it open.
  15. (My bad) Hort attempts open lock (+13)
  16. Dyrynify

    Dyrynify Member

  17. Hort opens the door to look inside.
  18. Dyrynify

    Dyrynify Member

    You enter the room in the south east corner, on the south wall. There is a closed door set in the west wall, in the north corner. There seems to be a faint hum of power in the room, and the distant sound of hammers ringing against glowing metal. A large ornate anvil lies in the center of the room. An iron chandelier hangs from the ceiling in all four corners of the room.
  19. LonePaladin

    LonePaladin Member

    Swig nearly drops his crossbow in amazement. "Krong! How'd they fit all this in such a tiny room?"
  20. Dyrynify

    Dyrynify Member

    "Carefully" -disembodied voice.