Dredmor Patch 1.0.10 RC9 Feedback Thread - I Believe in The Lever Fix

Discussion in 'Dungeons of Dredmor General' started by Nicholas, Feb 27, 2012.

  1. Essence

    Essence Will Mod for Digglebucks

    OK, so here's the thing. I went and combined all of my Essential Skill mods into one big one. I've got the same syntax across all of my skills as far as I can tell, but for some reason:
    • Bushido
    • QiGong
    • Kung Fu
    • Poisoneer
    • and Archmage
    are not giving archetype levels or stats when learned (but they are giving activated abilities.) The other four skills are working perfectly normally as far as I can tell (other than that stuff like XYZBuffs within buff tags aren't working and so forth.)

    Here's the skill and spell.db files -- anyone have any idea why this might be happening?


    Attached Files:

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  2. surnia1125

    surnia1125 Member

    Couple issues noticed so far that haven't been mentioned by anyone else yet:
    1. Crafting recipe for Pirate Training Breeches (alchemy) would not work. Had both the ingredients and the skill, but clicking the Craft button got no response.
    2. This one I've been noticing since last patch: can't equip a shield via right-clicking if my character already has a shield (or other off-hand item) equipped.
  3. It looks like the capitalization of secondarybuff and the like is inconsistent. For Kung-fu (the one you said was working) it's lower case completely, but you capitalize the B in buff for QiGong and Bushido.
    Essence likes this.
  4. SkyMuffin

    SkyMuffin Member

    I've only played Beta2 for an hour now, but I seem to have this weird stutter issue with the game engine. Switching music tracks is working flawlessly now, but now I am getting occasionally choppiness just running around doing things. Can't seem to place specific spots except when generating new rooms by opening doors. It happens when I'm fighting monsters, sometimes when I'm just walking around, and sometimes when traps go off. It affects the music also, making the music sporadically slow down or repeat a few notes.

    Windows 7, through Steam
  5. Essence

    Essence Will Mod for Digglebucks

    Thanks for the catch! I'm pretty certain that's not causing the mods to fail to give archetype levels, but that might in fact be part of the problem. :)
  6. Glazed

    Glazed Member

    You didn't need to admit that. :) Save & Quit is an option in permadeath, too. Did you think it made you play through in one sitting?
    Sade and Marak like this.
  7. Sade

    Sade Member


    Having pressed the "Just quit" button for the first time, I was so intimidated by all those warnings about deleted games and stuff that I got totally convinced that permadeath, indeed, forces you to play through the game in one sitting.

    Turns out that playing on PD isn't quite as masochistic as I have thought. Thanks for the tip! :D
    SkyMuffin likes this.
  8. Marak

    Marak Member

    I can't even imagine playing all of Realm of the Diggle Gods, exploring every room on every floor (as is my wont), in one sitting. I mean hell, it takes about 7 hours to do that and I only play on the "faster" (hit + once) setting. How long would that take on normal speed - 10 hours? 12? There's just no way. You'd have to get up in the morning, on a day off, and play DoD until bedtime. That's either extremely silly or masochistic. Maybe both.
  9. blob

    blob Member

    It took me 22 hours to do the 10 floors in DMPD.
    I guess I am pretty slow...

    ( and I did not backtrack or farmed )
  10. BELT <-- Dredmorpedia page > BUG report with 2 artifacts. NO PATCH v1.0.9

    The only reason I'm reporting this, and reporting here, is one of the devs was trying to reproduce this.

    Wearing: Aphrodite's Girdle - Interior Dredmorating Mod belt
    Equip attempt/ Sash of the Blue Wizards - Vanilla DoD belt. Sash and Girdle evaporates.

    What makes this interesting to me and is reproducable in the save game:
    If you R.Click on the Sash, the Girdle vanishes.
    If you unequip the girdle and equip the Sash THEN on the Girdle, they switch out as intended.
    When you do this, they will both then switch out normally there after. The bug is gone.

    Savegame with mods. 3.03MB
  11. Glazed

    Glazed Member

    Are you saying that you have one off-hand item equipped with the other hand empty, and when you right click a second shield it doesn't equip it in the empty slot? This should work.


    Are you saying that if you have a weapon and a shield equipped, and when you right click a different shield it doesn't swap the shields? Because that has never worked.

    You know what we need are some XSD files that you can use to validate your mod files. It would automatically check for all of these things. Heck, it's probably something the devs themselves could use. :) However, their XML parser must be pretty forgiving if not having a close tag on a skill doesn't cause any problems.
  12. Grim Peeper

    Grim Peeper Member

    I felt I needed to admit it, since it may or may not be a factor on belt-eating. Since I've not tried it on PD, I don't know if the mechanics are the same.

    Then again....maybe that should be an achievement? "This is not Starcraft," the achievement won by playing on Going Rogue, with Permadeath, all 15 levels, defeating Dredmor, all in one sitting.

    Go ahead and mark that down as yet another achievement I absolutely won't try to get. :rolleyes:
  13. blob

    blob Member

    Just sayin' but... It probably isnt a good idea to create achievements that push people to damage their health. ( Because they would do it)
  14. Grim Peeper

    Grim Peeper Member

    That was the joke...hence the StarCraft reference. :D
  15. lockeslylcrit

    lockeslylcrit Member

    1.0.10 RC2 has a lot more viability for melee, provided you are running with crafting skills. I noticed a LOT of new recipes, and decided to tinker around with them. I'm now the proud owner of a self-made Pants of Shiny Steel Plates, which is a HUGE upgrade from just the crappy old Adventuring Pants I'm used to wearing. The inclusion of more heavy and mage armor recipes is definitely a great help for those running smiths.
    I like it. I like it a lot.
    Essence likes this.
  16. Daynab

    Daynab Community Moderator Staff Member

    Found a saving bug. When you load an autosave made by the timer, then save and quit, your save overwrites the autosave but not the actual character save.
  17. Glazed

    Glazed Member

    Would it be a benefit to anyone if I enumerated every item, crafting and spell change in a list? I have some good directory comparison software called Beyond Compare that makes it really easy to see the differences between the patch files and the 1.0.9 files. It wouldn't reveal anything about bugs fixed in the game engine in the EXE though. Just changes to the XML files. Then, rather than having to discover changes, you would know all about them.
    Marak, Essence, Grim Peeper and 2 others like this.
  18. That would be awesome!
  19. twochair

    twochair Member

    Bugs with Dread Collectors (RC1 and RC2)

    If you have multiple characters and shoplifted items from shop in one of the characters, Dread Collectors will spawn in all other characters as well
  20. Daynab

    Daynab Community Moderator Staff Member

    Transdimentional dodging is still broken.