Dredmor Patch 1.0.11 Feedback Thread

Discussion in 'Dungeons of Dredmor General' started by Nicholas, Jun 5, 2012.

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  1. Null

    Null Will Mod for Digglebucks

    I think that's an artifact of some old stuff with jewelry and their stats. That is their stats will act like how a buff would, buffs aren't removed until the end of the turn
  2. OmniaNigrum

    OmniaNigrum Member

    After removing or putting on jewelry, press space or move or do anything else that takes a turn. That will almost always show the correct stats. (Except in the case of a real bug. It just does not always update until a turn is passed.)
    *Edit* I somehow missed Null's post. Oh well.
  3. Kaoschan

    Kaoschan Member

    Another thing i noticed (and which was confimred by others)
    Item Spawning in deeper floors 12+ are still monoton.

    On dlev13 i picke dup 8 godwin flashligth staffs, 12 bolt eruptors, 6 gold masks.
    This trend was followed up by dlev14-15.

    We need more diversity on deeper levels, therfor the spawning formula has to be changed to include a bigger spectrum of items of different classes. Finding the same items over and over and over again is boring.
  4. SkyMuffin

    SkyMuffin Member

    Just beat Dredmor on GR/PD and I feel like he is still pretty easy if you just collect a bunch of throwing items and bolts (not hard over the course of the game). Melee, on the other hand, still feels super risky (example: first two turns of the fight, I lost 100 hp just from his ranged spells.)

    Also, Holy Hand Grenades may be a bit too powerful against Dredmor. :p
  5. doorhandle

    doorhandle Member

    Not sure if this should go here or elsewhere, but sometimes the "Arcane capacitor" skill from warlockery doesn't proc when you hit. Not sure if it only doesn’t proc just on a block or weather it sometimes doesn’t proc on a successful hit either, and it seems to have a particularly pro chance of happening when you gain the charged status, as opposed to overcharged.

    Seeing as that skill becomes more insanely dangerous as each turn passes and has a high chance of going unexpectedly critical if you miss, changing this would be a good idea. :eek:
  6. DavidB1111

    DavidB1111 Member

    The hell? Every time I fought him, I've had plenty of resistances by that time. What did you do, go in with 0 in all resists?
    If he does insane damage even with great resists, he needs to be nerfed.
    I even had someone beat the game with a dual-wield build on Going rogue and Permadeath, and he never took that much damage from Dredmor!
  7. SkyMuffin

    SkyMuffin Member

    here are the resists I had-- potions/mushrooms on top of that also. My exotics were not that great, which might have been it.

  8. FaxCelestis

    FaxCelestis Will Mod for Digglebucks

    Don't you also only play on EE?
  9. DavidB1111

    DavidB1111 Member

    Yeah. But it's not like he does 90% less damage per attack on Elvish Easy. :(
    Seriously, the person who beat Going Rouge Permadeath never complained about him doing insane damages.
    The Kirkunited, I think it was?

    His arctic attack is negated by only 10 hyborean resist. And that fire resist makes his fire based attack do zero.

    I know I always pick the Diggle God of Death, but it shouldn't be a necessary thing to use for that fight.
    Diggle God of Death should not be required to negate his damage output.

    I'd like to know what the heck spells he hits you with that can do tons of damage that fast, Unless you ran into a glitch.
    I'm just really confused.

    I didn't know his power level was indeed well over 9000.
    Nappa:"Vegeta, what does the scouter say about Lord Dredmor's power level."
    Vegeta:"It's over 9000!"
    Nappa:"What?! 9000, there's no way that can be right!"
    Lord Dredmor: "Wut."
  10. Kazeto

    Kazeto Member

    But it's not like resistances are percent-based, and having 10 resist when something deals 12 per attack versus having 10 resist when something deals 15 per attack is, effectively, akin to damage being 60% lower. And the same thing applies to Dredmor.

    Now, I'm not saying that the difference between EE and GR is so big that suddenly everything starts inflicting grievous amounts of damage. But comparing EE to GR is definitely something shouldn't be done, unless you want to say "it can be done on GR, so it probably can be done on EE".

    We don't complain about Dredmor being difficult. We just try again. Most of the time, anyway.
  11. DavidB1111

    DavidB1111 Member

    I know that resistances aren't percent based and all that.
    I'm just surprised he did that much damage.
    I thought it would be important enough if Dredmor did insane damages that KirkUnlimited would have said so in his thread, and he didn't, so, I am indeed surprised at 100 damage in 2 turns, because that just shouldn't be possible. :(
  12. Kazeto

    Kazeto Member

    He can do a lot of damage, depending on your build.
    If your build is a defensive one, then yeah, he can't kill you that quickly, but if you focused on offensive abilities, then he can mop the floor with your face in a matter of seconds if you get an unlucky streak of spells.

    Not that I care, personally. Most of my builds include two teleporting skills, and at least one invisibility skill.
    OmniNegro likes this.
  13. Lorrelian

    Lorrelian Member

    Agree with Kazeto. A lot of it is what spells he casts in what order. A couple of Thor's bolts in rapid succession is just brutal, but the odds of that is low. And hey, it's a roguelike, so random is the name of the game.
    OmniNegro and Kazeto like this.
  14. tennerage

    tennerage Member

    Please fix your signature, it's been wrong forever :<
    "Bear with..."
  15. DavidB1111

    DavidB1111 Member

    Whoops. I always mess up Cthulhu. Ugh, I can't believe I made the other bad typo. <Flail Whips self>
  16. tennerage

    tennerage Member

    You're like a gaggle of geese, what with all of that flagellation. Notorious masochists, geese.
  17. Rooks

    Rooks Member

    Astrology really did get a much bigger boost, but I imagined it was a bug when I found it, rather than a feature. I'm horribly OCD about refreshing my buffs after every fight, and while messing around on floor 1, I noticed that on occasion, recasting the lvl 1 buff didn't refresh my charges. Once this occurred, the only way to refresh it was to remove the buff manually, then recast. I finally figured out what was happening - The buff wasn't refreshing because it was stacking. It wasn't something I could easily reproduce, and it took me quite a while until I figured out how it was happening with 100% accuracy. The trick was in the auto-save. I'm not terribly technically inclined, but from what I could gather, the game tends to "forget" that you have the buff when it auto-saves, so it just applies a new stack, and does not remove the old. And you can do this to your hearts content This may not have sounded like a big deal at first, but after waiting around for auto-save after auto-save, my character had 50 or so visibility, 100 magic resist, 100 mob dodge reduc, 115 mp, 30 sagacity, and an extra 20-something light damage added to attacks. For giggles, I whipped up a new char with perception, quickly maxed it out and astro buffed for as long as I could bother to do so, then proceeded to eye laser mobs for 600+ dmg a shot. Dredmor? He was more like Meltmor. All tests done on GR/PD. Go try it out and marvel at how broken the game becomes in 30 minutes with a multitude of builds. Just don't get hit ^_^

    TL;DR Astro Lvl 1 buff stacks infinitely (By recasting after every auto-save).

    Edit: After further testing, the capability of this breaking the game is more than i initially thought. Not only can you recast the buff after every autosave, but switching floors allows you chain-cast, dropping the time it takes to make a godly character from 30+ min to about...2.
    Archos, Marak and OmniNegro like this.
  18. TheKirkUnited

    TheKirkUnited Member

    Actually, I do believe I mentioned it. You can recheck the thread and you'll see that between one screen shot and another I've lost about 95 hit points. The time lapse between those shots is 3 turns and 2 fulminaric bolts. I was wearing magnetronic plate and I think I had a voltaic potion up as well. That's about 15 voltaic resistance and the spell still hits like a freight train. AS IT SHOULD! The guy should have at least one way to make you wet your pants.

    Perhaps, I didn't make this as explicit in my thread as I should have, but Dredmor is not a pushover. You can melee him to death. I did. BUT there was some invisibility spam in there for healing. If Dred gets in the right mood he can drop successive bolts, which WILL wreck your face. Caution is advised.

    A big thanks to the devs for making him so much tougher. I really enjoyed the challenge.

    Edit: just noticed that my screen shots in the post are a bit wonky. Somehow I posted the first one twice and the "2nd round" shot got put into the post as an attachment at the bottom. This may explain the confusion. I've altered the post to display correctly.

    post #14
    OmniNegro likes this.
  19. DavidB1111

    DavidB1111 Member

    Except there's a difference between making him harder, and breaking the game's balance.
    You have to maintain a balance between too hard and too easy.

    What are the stats for that fulminaric bolt. IT seems like that needs nerfing it does insane damage from him with insane voltic resistance.

    It's simple logic, really, the attack can be countered with voltic resistances, if it can't, the spell is broken.
    I'm sorry, but it's true. If extremely high voltic resistance has no affect on that spell, the spell is broken, and needs to be fixed.

    Nothing to do with Dredmor being made harder.

    He shouldn't be a pushover, but just because he shouldn't be pushover doesn't mean he should be overpowered.
    Balance is a good thing, why do people here not understand me on that? :( I don't want him to be easy, I just don't want him to be impossibly hard.
    And if his Fulminaric bolt can't be resisted with voltic resistances, that's a bug, not a feature, I'm sorry.
    I'm not trying to be annoying, guys, I'm not, so please, don't all facepalm at this.
  20. TheKirkUnited

    TheKirkUnited Member

    Just noticed you called me the KirkUnlimited in an earlier post.... that sounds awesome, I may even like it better, but on to brass tacks.

    I think we simply have a disagreement on balance is all.

    The Fulminaric bolt can be resisted with :resist_voltaic: it just does a great deal of damage, ergo, you need a lot of voltaic resistance to negate it. Somewhere in the neighborhood of 50+ to stop it entirely. This means you will probably never get enough to stop it entirely, but you can get enough to significantly take the edge off, especially if you plan for it. It should be noted however that you cannot resist it with :magic_resist: nor reflect it with:reflection: unlike the rest of his spells, which can be pretty ineffective if you have high values in these. (I've tested this last bit with double mirror darkly shields. I thought Dredmor was a joke in that run... until he dropped a bolt on me.)

    Since most of his other spells are resistable and melee is completely avoidable I think it's good that Dredmor has at least one ability that gives players great pause. (OMG WTF 50 dmg?! from across the room?! ) And there are plenty of player abilities that counter balance this, many available in item form. Available tactics include: absurd buffs, healing, running like a little &*$#( i.e. telprot) invisibility, taking away Dredmor's license to cast (LOL! Wut?) and on and on.

    So is Fulminaric bolt powerful? You bet your........ zorkmids! But game breaking? I don't think so. I actually haven't been killed by him yet. Not before killing him first anyway.

    The devs might consider nerfing the power of this ability in EE or DM assuming it doesn't already scale at appropriate levels ( I have no valid opinion on this as I haven't played anything other than GR since Dred's stats were changed in the latest patches.)
    but I feel that players deserve to feel terrified of the last boss on the highest difficulty.

    Lastly, (I swear! Really this time!) this is a Rogue-Like, and some players would argue that game breaking difficulty is actually an oxymoron if not a completely blasphemous notion.

    *Clears throat. Steps off soapbox.*
    Marak, Kazeto and OmniNegro like this.
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