Dredmor Patch 1.0.11 Feedback Thread

Discussion in 'Dungeons of Dredmor General' started by Nicholas, Jun 5, 2012.

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  1. DavidB1111

    DavidB1111 Member

    Personally, I don't see your hate for Steam. Steam hardly has some sort of Orwellian control over half the entire game industry. It's not a super shady business run by the Freemasons and Illuminati. :)
    There's no hatred necessary for it at all.

    Now, as pointed out to you, they're working on it. I don't know why you keep being shafted. Bad luck I suppose, but you don't need to come across as hostile towards Steam and people who use Steam, as if they're scum.
    Even Omninegro doesn't do that, and he hates Steam too.

    Steam is not that bad.
    Now, try to be nice to people. Stop complaining about Steam, and stop sounding hostile towards people who want to help you.
    Don't make me bring Vlad Trepes back from the dead and have him strongly encourage you to be nicer. :)
    Marak and TheJadedMieu like this.

  2. Well I don't really care about status updates and such but I get what you mean by this.
    About the patch I don't think it's that simple as just putting it up. Do you really think they wouldn't upload 3 compressed files? I've heard other gamers complain about Desura delayed updates with other games too so I'm basing my assumption on it. The linux patch is out there which seems weird... the builds don't differ that much so I would once again assume that if you take the time to put patches up on Desura you would put all three not just one with the least market share.

    If we don't have any information then why are you blaming GLG ? :p
  3. Nicholas

    Nicholas Technology Director Staff Member

    By demand, a status update. First, however, and in honour of Shardz' avatar, we should all watch the following informative history of Ghenghis Khan in Disco Format.

    ... have you done that? Good. We can proceed. :)

    We're currently waiting on publishing approval for Desura for YHTNTEP. I'm not sure what's going on there, but I will send more e-mails or something. I think there are still some distributions missing up-to-date binaries, though, so I will nip that in the bud today. That's easy enough.

    More general notes:

    - We don't actually update our Steam page either. :) The hopeful goal is to get anybody who cares over here, where we can address everybody at once regardless of distributor. If this isn't happening, we need to put more road signs on things.

    - The main reason that Steam gets so much love from developers in general, and other services don't, is because that's where the money is. At this point, the only equivalent game in town (in terms of numbers) is *probably* the App Store; even then, we don't have numbers from them for OS X as we're not on the App Store - and, let's face it, Apple is pretty draconian as well. We can't release numbers, but suffice it to say that if we were not on Steam, and were dependent on our revenue supplies from other distributors, we wouldn't be doing another game, or any DLC; Gaslamp wouldn't be a successful venture and we would likely all be working for some form of The Man.

    So there you have it. Why do we like Steam? Because they let us pay the bills.

    - Desura, at this point, is mainly provided as a philosophical, DRM-free alternative, which is fine. We like them, we like Linux users, and all that stuff, so we'll keep doing it. Since we're a little disorganized, and our new Automated Buildbot 9000 is still under construction (read: it no longer boots and we don't know why), it takes awhile to deal with. We also thought we had an absolutely Massive Thing due on Wednesday, and were hideously panicking to try and hit that. Thankfully, this is not the case and we can go back to drinking bourbon and playing Dominions 3 ... er, updating things.

    Anyhow, yeah. The long and the short of it is that all the builds are currently going through me, and I'm also doing some work for CotW and desperately trying to get Project Odin in a state where we can show you what the hell we've been working on; we're trying to deal with that, but it's not happening quickly.
    coldcandor, mining, Marak and 7 others like this.
  4. Warlock

    Warlock Member

    IMHO Gaslamp should host non-expansion patches on their own somewhere. It will serve to keep the patches updated for those using non-steam services, and for those who have Steam, the status quo can remain there. Everyone wins in the end if this could be done that way.

    EDIT: Never mind. I see that Nicholas's reasoning is better in the end anyway, We may have to wait but there's less trouble in it on Gaslamp's side. I'm no expert but I'll have to agree with this on a strict understanding basis.
  5. DavidB1111

    DavidB1111 Member

    Hey, Nicholas, you do know his avatar is Vlad the Impaler, right?
    Anyhow, thanks for the information.
  6. Shardz

    Shardz Member

    Thanks, Nicholas, for the update status on this matter and I enjoyed the fine video, as well. As a creature of almost half a century in age, I realize quite a few things already. I know Valve offers the Money Hat and the repercussions involved with that venture; thus, I primarily avoid Steam-based operations in general for this very same reason. I certainly won't compare Desura with anything as that isn't my distribution channel of choice (I prefer dealing directly with the developer) and they are notoriously slow with updates at times with really no way for the customer to pester them into submission.

    It's also ironic that you mention Dominions 3 as I was looking at DoD to fill in between turns this weekend. And I can still do that, albeit using a version that is a point-release behind current and minus one mini-expansion. Unfortunately, that entire package was what I was desiring when I ordered and it's been a LOT of Internet digging since then to try to get to the bottom of what's truly going on here. I can see you guys are stressed to capacity over there with all that's transpiring this week, but there's an old moniker in show business that applies well here;

    The show must go on!

    If Desura is holding up the production, then break out the hot pokers and get on the war trail with these people. Load up the saddles and break out the rope; we have irritated customers that can't wait. Everyone who buys the product should enjoy the same fair treatment...not just the Money Hat crowd. Reading between the lines of what you stated, I again reach the same conclusion which back up my original statements; Valve is killing the industry. Steam pays more, therefore those angels get the halo; others, take a number and go sit in the dark.

    And I get daily grief as to why I have a particular disdain for that company. As a biblical reference in parallel, it would be considered selling one's soul for the lion's share of coin. But in a marketing sense, the teeth can't be sharp enough for biting into the carotid artery. It's not about the $8, it's not about distro site preference; it's about integrity and moral fiber of how things are done. There can be no glory without honor.

    I understand your stance as a striving developer, but put yourself in the consumer's shoes for a minute and ask yourself if you are comfortable and content with all that is concerning.
    OmniNegro likes this.
  7. OmniaNigrum

    OmniaNigrum Member

    I can and have made Steam sucks threads before. And I hate Steam. If you like, I will make a thread to come bitch about how awful Steam is. (Steam is the antichrist and all that too. Steam once killed and ate a baby panda for fun. Steam just plainly sucks.)

    Gaslamp Games is really a good but very small group of people. Usually if I understand, it is one single person actually tasked with getting the most recent version out to all the distributors like Steam, Gamefly and Desura. He sometimes cannot get it done in a reasonable way. Sometimes it is not what you think. Sometimes they just don't bother to answer their e-mails from him. Sometimes they do not update things. Gaslamp Games does *NOT* make the Desura page for DoD. Think what you want, but if they made it, there would be endless jokes plastered all over the page. It would not be Desura. Thus Desura makes the pages.

    *Edit* I missed an entire page of posts while typing this monster. But now reading them I am uninclined to edit this mess. Oh well. I too really hate Steam. I just wanted to say that again. :)
  8. Lorrelian

    Lorrelian Member

    Look, Shardz.

    You've made your point. You feel left out because not all distribution methods are equal, and your method of choice (customer to developer) is unavailable. Your follow up choice is Desura. GLG informs us that their service is trickier to work out and communication between them and GLG is apparently moving a bit slow. Slower, say, than it is for Steam, a service run by pretty much the first and best (in the sense of skill) Internet driven game distributor.

    That Desura isn't as proficient as the Valve teams at getting patches up and running is no surprise. Valve has more experience doing this. That there are issues to work out between Desura and GLG is no surprise. There's always something, and since both Desura and GLG are smaller and have less free man power, it's going to take more time to sort out. Pure infrastructure. Not GLG's fault, not Desura's fault and certainly not Steam's fault.

    You've chosen not-Steam as your distribution method. But Steam is the best distribution method in existence at the moment. Complaining that you got a cart mule when other people are riding race horses, when you knew you were getting the mule in the first place, is just plain dumb.

    Gaslamp can prod that mule a little bit, to keep in moving. But they can only do so much with a naturally inferior beast. People who've been around this forum just a few weeks know that Nicholas, David, Daniel and the rest are very invested in making sure their customers get a good product. We know that, if its not up on Desura yet, they're working to get it there. Whining about it in a public forum just makes you look silly.

    It's OK to come here and periodically ask for an update. Calling the Devs slackers and hacks can be done on your blog.

    Now, if you want mod content, know ye that the it can be gotten in a forum just south of this one, oddly enough entitled "Modding". It exists because the forum asked for it. Its content was produced by the forum, and originally only available on the forum. When Steam up and decided to add the Workshop capability Gaslamp saw it as giving the modders another outlet for their stuff, not trying to give extra presents to the Steam community. If there's no such service for Desura or other distribution sources, who's fault is that? Not Steams. Certainly not GLGs.

    Now seriously. Cool down. Grow some patience. Even if you've been around for half a century, I'm sure you'll find something practical to use it on in your remaining years.
    coldcandor, mining, Marak and 2 others like this.
  9. Nicholas

    Nicholas Technology Director Staff Member

    Oh, I think we'll all admit we're slackers.

    Having said our piece, let's actually talk about things which are specific to the expansion and not distributors, please.

    Marak and klaymen_sk like this.
  10. Shardz

    Shardz Member

    Well, I can conform to topical conversation as well as anyone, but won't I require version 1.011 to actually play the expansion? It would appear that I have been sucked into some sort of digital purgatory to where I am completely stuck. As far as bug reports and issues go, I'd say that's a fairly critical dilemma.
  11. Nicholas

    Nicholas Technology Director Staff Member

    For those keeping track at home, I've been told I should get a reply from Desura "within 48 hours." I don't know if that's business hours or what.
  12. SkyMuffin

    SkyMuffin Member

    If someone still has the file with the RC from beta testing, they could upload it for you and you can simply copy and replace the files. It would be essentially the same, but with no wait for you.

    Anyone? I deleted mine after it came out on Steam.

    edit: RC 9 is still up. I think the main difference between it and the final RC 10 (or was it 11?) is that it still has the blink curse trap bug.
    Marak and OmniNegro like this.
  13. OmniaNigrum

    OmniaNigrum Member

    RC10 and up were Steam only builds to test the function of something to do with Steam. RC9 is the last one usable without it. (And it is likely the filenames are different for RC10 and beyond too.)
  14. DoDgirl

    DoDgirl Member

    Thank you. :3

    I came here looking for updates last night!

    I don't need the expansion for this to work ... right?
  15. OmniaNigrum

    OmniaNigrum Member

    No. But I think you can use it if you want to. If you are speaking of RotDG, and you do not have it, you will have to delete the /your DoD path here/expansion/ for it to work. But if you are speaking of YHTNTEP, it can be added right in and should work fine.
  16. DoDgirl

    DoDgirl Member

    I did as you said and it worked just fine. I also don't have the 2nd one.
    OmniNegro likes this.
  17. OmniaNigrum

    OmniaNigrum Member

  18. Shardz

    Shardz Member

    This is getting very confusing to follow, but YHTNTEP will not work with this beta RC9 release. Upon firing up the game, it complains for animation files...something like "sprites/arc/xx00001.png" and then crashes to desktop.

    YHTNTEP will only work with version 1.011 or higher; period.

    To add to my confusion, I'm understanding that not only is Desura not updated, but neither is GameFly or HIB. I'm starting to smell something foul, and it ain't the neighbor's chicken dinner.

    Perhaps Desura regulates the updates for GameFly and HIB? Or maybe this is Steam's contractual stipulations for exclusivity in action with a two-week window? Or quite possibly, the entire cast of characters normally responsible for posting updates on these sites were abducted by aliens and it didn't make the news yet? It could be that the neighbor's dog was chewing on the cable at the time of upload and the file ended up in his furry little tummy. Who knows...

    What I do know is that my second-class user status is still evident and I'm not too thrilled with what I see after three days.
  19. Warlock

    Warlock Member

    Bro, if you don't like it, just accept the offer a kind user had of getting your game on Steam. I think it's time you gave it a rest. Granted I, we, all understand your concerns about non-Steam users being sometimes relegated to the role of second class citizen, but without Steam these days, it's sort of difficult to make anything remotely near enough to help keep the show running.

    Life sucks. Most of us know that by now. Sometimes things don't go the way we want them to. Other times you have to try and find an alternative, which was offered you in this case. Otherwise you can just wait until it gets out, which it will eventually do. Yelling about it isn't going to help all that much. /sigh
    coldcandor, mining, Marak and 6 others like this.
  20. FaxCelestis

    FaxCelestis Will Mod for Digglebucks

    Do you not own RotDG?
    OmniNegro likes this.
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