Dredstuck! (Another Homestuck mod)

Discussion in 'Modding' started by RionKatt, Aug 28, 2012.

  1. RionKatt

    RionKatt Member

    It comes up when I select the skill. It plays fine with other skills. It's also the only mod I have ticked.

    Debug mode crashes when the game does. If anyone wants to look over the files and try to find what stupid mistake I've done, just ask and I'll send it to you.

    Also, I haven't done any of the new skills yet. I wanted to make sure what I had worked first.
  2. Kazeto

    Kazeto Member

    It's a problem with skill icons, then (or with item icons for whatever items you get as your loadout). Try opening them in a different program, applying settings that you used previously, and saving again.

    I know it happens when you made icons with GIMP and with at least one Photoshop version.
    Vitellozzo likes this.
  3. grimAuxilliam

    grimAuxilliam Member

    In that case, the problem is on my end. I use GIMP to export as png after drawing. I probably should've read more about this thing beforehand.
  4. RionKatt

    RionKatt Member

    I'll re-export them with SAI, then. See if that works.
  5. RionKatt

    RionKatt Member

    .. Or, maybe you should, grim. I gotta get to work.

    It would be great if you could .zip it all and then send it to me.
  6. grimAuxilliam

    grimAuxilliam Member

    I'll poke around with the index function in GIMP. Shouldn't take long. Also, I work on a mac, so mtPaint doesn't work for me.

    EDIT: I don't know what I'm doing. I just converted the mode from RGB to Indexed. Who knows if it worked?
    bec_tele_1.png bec_tele_2.png blackout_bolt.png channeler.png dave_swag.png drunken.png eldrich_tongue.png green sun.png grimdark.png grimsquiddle64.png
    I also appear to have a 10 image limit. Confounding.
  7. grimAuxilliam

    grimAuxilliam Member

    And here's the rest. I'll be busy reading up on what indexes means and why they are important.
    horrorterror_2_64.png horrorterror64.png thornswoggle.png
  8. RionKatt

    RionKatt Member

    Right, right...

    Well, when you're done, just upload it and I'll get to it after work.
  9. RionKatt

    RionKatt Member

    If anyone wants to take a gander and tell me what stupid mistake I made, feel free.

    And the indexes. They do nothing.

    Attached Files:

  10. Kazeto

    Kazeto Member

    If you did it in GIMP? Won't do.
  11. grimAuxilliam

    grimAuxilliam Member

    Noooooooo. GIIIIIIIIMP. Curse your sudden and rather unexpected betrayal. What should I use instead of Gimp? Is there any way to salvage this? Like, use a different program to convert the images.
  12. Daynab

    Daynab Community Moderator Staff Member

    Yeah, open them in mtPaint and reindex, it will fix it. I think opening them and saving them in works also.
  13. Kazeto

    Kazeto Member

    Sai, maybe?

    Or any other program of the kind, really; it depends on what your OS is, but from what I know it's unlikely that you'll run into this problem with any other program (spare some random version of Photoshop, but I don't think you are using it).
  14. It's also worth noting I just didn't index my pngs and it worked fine (I probably SHOULD but my art is mostly crude placeholder stuff at this point. ...okay crude placeholder art that i actually put a lot of time into but still)
    Vitellozzo likes this.
  15. grimAuxilliam

    grimAuxilliam Member

    Ok, I'll give it pixlr a shot. I think mtPaint is for Windows and Linux. Same with SAI. However, I primarily use a Mac, even though I have Windows on bootcamp. Either way, I'll solve this problem. Gonna be at gym for a few hours so it'll take some time.
  16. grimAuxilliam

    grimAuxilliam Member

    Alright, double post, but the alert helps. Here are all of the images you have referenced in your xml files. They have all been opened and saved in pixlr.

    Edit: O wait, just read the part where you want me to zip it. Got it.

    Attached Files:

    RionKatt and Kazeto like this.
  17. RionKatt

    RionKatt Member

    It still crashed. I have no idea what's wrong. The Validator says everything's as it should. Someone check it out?

    Attached Files:

  18. grimAuxilliam

    grimAuxilliam Member

    I'll preemptively assume it's my problem. I'll just get mtPaint to reindex it. See you on the flip side.

    P.S. Check here in say 30 mins for an update. Or less.
  19. RionKatt

    RionKatt Member
