FAXPAX: A Thing What Fax Made

Discussion in 'Mod Releases' started by FaxCelestis, Feb 2, 2012.

  1. FaxCelestis

    FaxCelestis Will Mod for Digglebucks

    Good calls on the tiki bar stuff. I'll fiddle with it for RevC.
  2. FaxCelestis

    FaxCelestis Will Mod for Digglebucks

    Okay, RevC uploaded.
  3. Kaidelong

    Kaidelong Member

    It's broken. I've told fax about it. In the meantime, here is a band aid:

    Also yes, this breaks your saves. Be warned.

    Obseleted, butchered patch removed. Get FAX's. Still broken though.
  4. DavidB1111

    DavidB1111 Member

    What about the No_DA one? Is that broken too?
  5. Kaidelong

    Kaidelong Member

    Yes, it is. I uploaded the DA one because I couldn't be bothered to fix both. Disabling the DA skills is a simple matter of commenting them out, though.
  6. FaxCelestis

    FaxCelestis Will Mod for Digglebucks

    Fixed officially, uploading now.
  7. OmniaNigrum

    OmniaNigrum Member

    .7 RevD has broken images in character creation for the DA skills and Meteorology. And I wanted to see if it has broken images in the skills themselves, but the game crashes every time I try to make a character with a DA skill or Meteorology. Still testing...
  8. FaxCelestis

    FaxCelestis Will Mod for Digglebucks

    I forgot to repackage /sprites/ after I made some changes. Uploading RevE.
    OmniNegro likes this.
  9. OmniaNigrum

    OmniaNigrum Member


    DA is still not working. Meteorology images are working though.
  10. Glazed

    Glazed Member

    I found some XML bugs. You have resistable="0" on a bunch of spell buffs (<spell><buff resistable="0".../></spell>). The resistable attribute is not supported. Spell buffs can't be resisted.
  11. Higashi

    Higashi Member

    Was the fiuree cap mushroom crash mentioned earlier in this thread ever looked at? Just ran into it myself.
  12. FaxCelestis

    FaxCelestis Will Mod for Digglebucks

    Yeah. What version are you running?
  13. Higashi

    Higashi Member

    .7 RevE
  14. FaxCelestis

    FaxCelestis Will Mod for Digglebucks

    I swear I made that change already. Oh well. Here it is again, along with some other little tinkers.

    This post marks the end of the split between DA and NoDA: I've come to the decision that with the scroller in the skill select, there's no need to differentiate between the two any more, especially since the only functional difference between the two is that the latter has the Dragon Aspirants commented out. SkillID numbers don't even change, so this will not affect you if you've been running NoDA and are updating.
  15. Kaidelong

    Kaidelong Member

    NoDA is actually rather convenient for me since they're rather too much like each other and quickly get quite boring but as there are so many of them they keep popping up in my builds and honor dictates I have to play it.

    On the other hand, the DA skills could probably use a revamp to make them more interesting, too.
  16. FaxCelestis

    FaxCelestis Will Mod for Digglebucks

    Yeah, they could use some spectrumization, I guess. Aside from the side benefits and the status conditions, they all function close to the same. SO I'm taking Ideas for that, then.
  17. DavidB1111

    DavidB1111 Member

    Noticed this change, "Clutch of Midas, Increased Nimbleness penalty from -1 per level to -2 per level."
    I'm curious, Gold is an extremely malleable metal, wouldn't it be easy for it to make you more nimble?
    Maybe I know nothing about gold after all.

    IT is indeed very resistant to heat, and does conduct electricity very well, but as a whole, considering a gold brick like you see in Fort Knox can be thinned out to cover an area of several miles, gold shouldn't slow you down, so to speak.

    Maybe it's because it's so malleable that it's not useful for dodging? I'm just wondering, that's all. Not complaining.
  18. Kaidelong

    Kaidelong Member

    Also you'd think being conductive would give you electrical resistance rather than weakness.
  19. DavidB1111

    DavidB1111 Member

    Yeah. Look at the copper rings, they give you a base electricity resistance due to how conductive Copper is.
    Perhaps the Clutch of Midas skill needed nerfing. :)
  20. Megaron

    Megaron Member

    Gold is malleable, true. But it's not more flexible than flesh and skin.