FAXPAX: A Thing What Fax Made

Discussion in 'Mod Releases' started by FaxCelestis, Feb 2, 2012.

  1. FaxCelestis

    FaxCelestis Will Mod for Digglebucks

    Dear lord I am an idiot. New version uploaded. Apparently I put the wrong path on Meteorology's skill images. -_-
    ElectricMessiah likes this.
  2. Loren

    Loren Member

    You're just too preoccupied being awesome in the RPG superstar contest. The brains will return, eventually.
    Essence likes this.
  3. Repulsion

    Repulsion Member

    Fax, I fear that you have accidentally added Dragon Aspirants to the NoDragonAspirants download, for I am getting two copies of it. The second copy has no graphics, though.
  4. Loren

    Loren Member

    He forgot to comment out the skill entries in the NoDA version. you could add the <!-- and --> tags around those entries in the SkillDB.xml.

    I do have to ask, though, why you are running the NoDA version and the DA mod at the same time. You could just run the regular FaxPax. It won't affect your savegames which have used the skills from the original DA mod.
  5. Repulsion

    Repulsion Member

    Well, there have been several times in which I want to use a mod in the FaxPax, but I don't need the skillslot-consuming inferno that is Dragon Aspirants taking up 7 skill slots. So I just separate the two mods, and yeah.
  6. r_b_bergstrom

    r_b_bergstrom Will Mod for Digglebucks

    Hey Fax,

    I had a couple hours to play (thanks to insomnia) so I downloaded and started up. I've hit a couple bugs.

    #1: If I select some skills, then change my mind and hover over the "last" button as if to reset to the skills from last time, some of your icons vanish from the selected skills panel. Swordsword and Inquisitor, IIRC, do this. The skill is still selected, it's just that the picture gets filled with a dark blot that's almost a black rectangle.

    Your file includes statements like: <art icon="skills/warrior/sword_lore64.png"/> But the download does not include a .png with that name. Same for <art icon="skills/wizard/spell_white4_64.png"/> but for that one there's not even a wizard folder.

    #2: When I start up a game, I'm getting some crashes upon clicking the last screen about how the hero is you. So probably when it's loading the first dungeon map, giving the character loadout items, or going to display the icons for the starting skills. May or may not be related to the above or the below.

    #3: The ITEMTEST room in your mod isn't commented out. Though as I look closely, I see it's set to only spawn on level 40, so maybe that's not as big an issue as I was thinking it was. Except it means the test room will still show up in mysterious portal realms, which may or may not be what you intended. Also, the game loads all rooms long before you ever make a character (I can prove it by making a room file that crashes the game before you even select a mod), so commenting out or even not uploading that file with the rest of the mod might work better or be more stable than setting it to level 40.

    #4: One of the Dragon Aspirant powers seemed to be able to Dig (as well as Golemancy 5) on level 1. I think it was the cold one, though I suppose it could have been the voltaic one. Wasn't happening 100%, probably 70% to 80% of the wall tiles I cast it on. Definitely way more (and not in the right places or rooms) to be the "!" destructible walls of rooms.xml. Not unless the game has random patches of:
    scattered throughout the first floor (and that I've never noticed, which seems unlikely).

    This fourth one might not be your issue, though. It could be a rare main-game bug. I say this because I once had a character with Astrology whose first level aura spell did the same thing everytime an enemy attack triggered a flash while I was adjacent to a wall. It was my first time playing astrology, and started on the day after the 1.0.9 patch was released, so I didn't realize it was a bug until after the character died and further plays with a similar build couldn't replicate it. Just the same, it might be worth taking a minute to double-check your code on the breath weapons to make sure they aren't blowing up walls. I don't see anything in your code that would cause this, but spells and skills aren't my specialty so I could be missing it.
  7. FaxCelestis

    FaxCelestis Will Mod for Digglebucks

    That's because those are in the game proper's file structure.

    Is that on the first floor? There are a lot of shoveable walls on the first floor, way more than other floors.
  8. r_b_bergstrom

    r_b_bergstrom Will Mod for Digglebucks

    Well, that explains where they are, but not why they turn into a black rectangle when I hover over "last", but other pictures used in skills do not. Not just main game skills, either. Your custom artwork doesn't have this problem, just the previously unused images from the game's default folder structure. No big deal, I suppose.

    Yes it is the first floor, but given how much room modding I've done, and how often I pour over the room files of the main game, I have a really solid understanding of where the breakable walls are. To avoid looking like a fool, I've re-checked the files of the rooms I was in, and they are not normally destructible.

    What I was experiencing was walls that I'm certain are "#" not "!" but were still crumbling under the frost breath. As though the entire dungeon floor were made of "!"... well, actually more like 80% of the dungeon floor was, as I still hit random squares that wouldn't go away. But in general, I could tunnel between rooms as if I had golemancy 5 instead of dragon aspirant 1 (which I assume is supposed to interact with walls more like promethean 1 or psionics 2).

    As I said, though, there's a chance it's not your bug. I once had the something very similar happen on an astrology spell for half a floor, so I suspect it's a previously-unknown main-game bug.
  9. Kyrris

    Kyrris Member

    New version uploaded. Apparently I put the wrong path on Meteorology's skill images.

    Er, where is that new version uploaded? The NoDA version in the first post crashes when casting from Meteorology.
  10. OmniaNigrum

    OmniaNigrum Member

    I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but BOTH versions of your mod cause crashes anytime they are loaded. I cannot create any character with your mod even if I entirely skip the skills your mods add.

    I thought it was conflicting with other mods, so I removed all other mods entirely. (I have them backed up outside of the mods path.) I tested a bit and enabled debug mode to see what is happening and it shows the following.


    Note that I am using the no_DA version in this example. Yet in character creation the skills still show up without the images. There are no further errors in the log and it will sometimes list shopkeepers being created. That tells me that the level is being loaded right before the crash.

    The DA version is very similar to this in what little I can see of it's behavior.

    Thank you for making the mod, and I hope this is in some way useful to you if you are interested in fixing it. I am running 1.09RevB on Windows 7 x64.
  11. syzygy23

    syzygy23 Member

    I'm also having my game client crash while trying to use this mod(s), whenever I start up the game, it'll immediately crash upon launching and give me an error message saying "File named Skills/Warrior/Skill_Antique_Dealer2_32.png not found. The game will probably crash!"

    Did you guys forget to include a file?
  12. FaxCelestis

    FaxCelestis Will Mod for Digglebucks

    I'll look into it.
  13. OmniaNigrum

    OmniaNigrum Member

    Thank you. The mods looks great. I am patient though. Take your time.
  14. Essence

    Essence Will Mod for Digglebucks

    hey, Fax. I started playing with FaxPax (and a snotload of other mods) on constantly, and I've started getting a pretty regular error that says "unable to load sprites/staff_1.png" Poking at the various mods in question, it looks like the FaxPax is the only one with such a picture. IDK why it crashes the game (between final splashscreen and appearance in dungeon), but I thought I'd let you know. :)
  15. FaxCelestis

    FaxCelestis Will Mod for Digglebucks

    Bugs fixed, I think? Try the new version in the first post.
  16. Not only does NoDA omit them..but there is no meteorology skills or spellsword skills lol! Also I just tried Inquisitor also no skills at all.
  17. FaxCelestis

    FaxCelestis Will Mod for Digglebucks

    ...must be a missing -->. Hold on.
  18. FaxCelestis

    FaxCelestis Will Mod for Digglebucks


    New version ( uploaded.
  19. Werediggler

    Werediggler Member

    It seems that in the DA-included version 0.4, the icons for Dragon Aspirants on the skill selection screen are blank. If you take any of them it crashes, I think that might be me though, I'm using Beta 1.0.10.
  20. FaxCelestis

    FaxCelestis Will Mod for Digglebucks

    Try this new one (