The diptheria actually seems worse now I made the mistake of throwing a bottle into a monster zoo because the issue was supposed to be resolved and the game slowed to about one turn every ten minutes. Even protracted games of Dwarf Fortress run faster than that.
Why is it that the diphteria and so forth hit every creature dozens and dozens of times? That's what causes the lag. Is that really necessary? Couldn't it just hit fewer times with more damage?
It does fix the crash issues listed there. The issue is in the spreading mechanism: more targets means more explosions means lag.
Its only just "lag" if you're like me and have no life. For anybody whose time is valuable and can't wait upwards of ten minutes a turn the game effectively becomes entirely locked-up.
At least you guys just get "lag." I get crashes when that happens. Not sure why. As for the Diggle Hell issue, I've done some testing and I can confirm that Fax Pax has no Diggle Hell issues by itself. It must be conflicting with some other mod I had installed at the time. If I ever figure which one is causing the conflict, I'll post it here.
I don't think I saw this posted in the last few pages (although I honestly just alt+F searched the last several pages for 'brofist' and 'broforce' without reading every post) but, on my machine at least, Power of the Broforce is straight broken. I was testing the tree having just installed the FaxPax mod (I rather enjoy it overall, thanks for your hard work!) and liked the idea of a Suit Up-style buff near the end of the tree. After clearing a few rooms with it up I noticed it was below half durability and so I refreshed it. Except it refreshed and stacked the buff. So I had double Broforce. That's when I got curious to see how I could push it. I made a new character and rushed the Brofist tree. I then stacked it until I had >100 dodge, counter, magic resist, and spell reflection. I then marched straight down to the 15th floor, taking the first stairs I saw each time, picking up only the gear that was found on my path, and hacked Dredmor to death at level 19 having only lost 15 health. I had 42 stacks of Broforce on at the time. I was in the neighborhood of 430 magic resist because why not. So...what happened here? Local error? Version change bug? Grand convergence of unknown circumstances like that time I rented Adventure Island and all the invisible secrets were revealed on screen and it was so awesome? Picture attached. This save file was generated after Dredmor died, somehow, because that's the room he was in. I just noticed there's a trap lodged in the wall. The duration value for the Broforce stacks would randomly change every few attacks because I think by this point the game was crying.
Technically speaking, could. But unstackable buffs behave differently from those with the maximum stack size of 1, so it likely isn't the most desired outcome. But then again, if we are to compare "works somehow" with "doesn't work" then the choice appears to be obvious.
Hey. Bohandas informed me that it was likely to be your mod that added this item -- "Gloves of Infinite Daggers". I'd like to suggest that you tone them down a bit, because as they are, they can be so good that it feels like cheating. They spawn throwing knives, which, while not overpowered by themselves, the fact that you can endlessly replace them means that you can kill just about everything at range at no cost, plus have lots left over for the lutefisk cube. I was killing virtually everything at no risk using the throwing knives up through level 8 (when my game crashed and things got screwed up -- not your fault). Furthermore, throwing knives are nice in that they ignore all terrain and intervening targets. Plus with the throwing skill, you knock your targets back, further eliminating any risk. I was a melee build, and I had almost no need to put myself at risk to melee, except after opening a door or having something spawn right on top of me. It might be better if they simply added a small percent to recovery rate on your thrown knives, or have a much smaller percent chance of spawning those knives, or something similar.
Popping in with praise and a question; Excellent mod, just came back to DoD recently and was delighted to see mod support and new expansions. Your mod adds a lot of new dimensions to the game I'm sure we all appreciate, though the question scratching my grey matter here is what does the diggle god of mediocrity do besides the small health and mana buff? Or is that all he does? He is actually rather mediocre.
He is literal. And there is a reason for that. He is found before all the other Diggle Gods. So he is leveled about right.
I had assumed as much, but the quotes hinted perhaps at a clue. The digging quote, I thought maybe a rock wand or something, or the patches of dirt, I couldn't be sure. Thanks guys
Can I borrow the Pina Colada for a werewolf themed mod I'm working on? (I want to put Pina Coladas in as a reference to a line in "Werewolves of London" where a werewolf was drinking one)
0.9.RevJ uploaded. This is the last non-emergency revision patch before 1.0. It officially includes the new Haunted skill and the revamped Clutch of Midas and Spellsword skills.
I just noticed that several things that seem like they should be polearms are classified as staves (Wizard's Spear, Orcish Double Spear, etc.)
I wanted to make something like the Haunted skill, but anyway good work! Just a little thing... were are my tacows? I've went to 4th floor and no tacow of sort until now.