Graffiti sharing thread

Discussion in 'Conquest of the Wizardlands' started by greggbot, Aug 1, 2012.

  1. Arron Syaoran

    Arron Syaoran Member

    The first 2 codes from banhammer are from floors 1-2, the other 4 are from floors 3-6.
  2. The pentultimate syllable should be static to demonstrate level, but I admit I'm not certain of that. I'll try and be better about that.

    Those are all from one game session, so they get deeper as they go. Arron has it more or less pinned.
  3. Arron Syaoran

    Arron Syaoran Member

    kol, kull, lioo, and lech, i forget exactly which of the 3rd-8th floors those are.
  4. Dynamod

    Dynamod Member

    lech is 2nd floor I believe

    Lioo is probably 3rd
  5. Arron Syaoran

    Arron Syaoran Member

    i thought mag was 2nd floor?
  6. Dynamod

    Dynamod Member

    -doesn't know this science-
  7. Arron Syaoran

    Arron Syaoran Member

    There are 5 total Phonemes(syllables). Each one is 2-4 letters long. They can also be found in the Vanilla text.xml. The fourth one(second from the last), tells what floor it's from. All floor 1 codes have "gor" as the 4th phoneme.

    Edit: Tip - The Phonemes used for the Wizardland codes are the exact ones used in the names of Artifact items. The First Phoneme of all Artifacts/Wizardlands is always from a different set than the ones afterward, which is also explained in text.xml.
  8. DavidB1111

    DavidB1111 Member

    Bangchubelmagpok is an example of a 2nd floor Wizardlands. So, Pok must be level 2.

    Negjozarkiilech is a level three dungeon. Don't tell me it's not, because I found it on floor 3 near a mysterious portal. :p

    Fricrapotkolpot Here's another floor 3 as well. Don't go unless you want crap and a wand of laser.
  9. Arron Syaoran

    Arron Syaoran Member

    mag is the 4th phoneme, not pok, so mag is the floor 2 wizardlands.
  10. DavidB1111

    DavidB1111 Member

    Apparently, I am really bad at Phonemes. :(
    Hey, everyone, I found this word.

    Blarhomagkiirho it leads to a homage to CERN or at least some Cyclotron. Also starts you out in an insanely huge room.
  11. eskr

    eskr Member

    They don't need a nerf, just don't pull the friggin' handle if you can't deal with them.
  12. Warlock

    Warlock Member

    does that room have a throne in it? a largish, purple-grey one, to be exact. I've seen that room a few times before in other wizardlands.
  13. darius404

    darius404 Member

    From what I've heard, they're only supposed to show up in Wizardlands from DL11 and lower, so they're not really supposed to show up. That being said, they're entirely doable, even for a low-level character, as long as you have ranged weapons and wands. I don't recommend trying them until you're around character level 5, though. And I've only played on Going Rogue, so far. It should be easier on Elvishly Easy, just don't melee them.
  14. DavidB1111

    DavidB1111 Member

    Yeah. Meleeing them is a bad idea until you're really strong. :)
    eskr, they hit harder than Thirsty Diggles who hit harder than Muscle Diggles, who hit harder than Arch Diggles.They're a bit strong if they make Thirsty Diggles look weak as Enraged Diggles.
    They shouldn't even show up until level 11, but apparently, the bug with rooms spawning hasn't been fixed yet.

    I've killed them in melee and ranged both, but you really don't want to hit them in melee until you have 30 AA. Or insane dodge/counter.
    Although, Max polearm tree + dual wield +guan Dao spears = 2 hit kills and if you're lucky, you can kill them in one hit.
  15. joe bones

    joe bones Member

    phoneme is not really an accurate term.

    phonemes, in linguistics refer to the most basic possible individual unit of meaning. In any language, the most basic unit is an individual sound (obviously /a/ is more basic than /cat/, as you need an /a/ sound in there to make it!). I have no idea where the dredmor community got the idea that little monosyllabic phrases were phonemes. Phonemes are just the individual sounds in language. So, for example, the "gor" phrase actually has 3 phonemes /g/, /ɔ/, and /r/.

    The combination of these 3 phonemes is probably best described as a morpheme, or a meaningful component in a language that can be combined into words. Morphemes are made up of phonemes. This runs into a little trouble here simply because in this fake dredmor language the fully formed Wizard Words don't actually have meaning, but I would still argue the sub parts can be considered meaningful units, since it is their precise ordering that creates new levels.

    I've done university research on morphology so sorry for the nitpicking.
    OmniNegro likes this.
  16. DavidB1111

    DavidB1111 Member

    Can I just call them Syllables them?
    Like how you separate words?
    The world cat is one syllable, and the word litter is two.
  17. Kazeto

    Kazeto Member

    Yes, you can. It is not entirely accurate, but we all know well what you are referring to when you use that word.
  18. Warlock

    Warlock Member

    added another graffiti: Darchuakgortwe - floor 1, GRPD
    Folechrhogorbel - same as above
    Kymagjafgorpot - as above
  19. Warlock

    Warlock Member

    As an FYI: I'm going through all the codes from scratch to mark any changes in Wizardland geometry.
  20. DavidB1111

    DavidB1111 Member

    I don't think GRPD or Elvish Easy is going to change the layouts. :)

    So, If i were to go through them all, I'd go through them on Easy, to make it take less time. :)