I had to name the expansion pack.

Discussion in 'You Have To Name The Expansion Pack' started by Marak, Jun 5, 2012.

  1. Loswaith

    Loswaith Member

    No Screenshot, but I called it Gaslamp Adventure o' Doom. Not as inventive as some others either.
  2. banjo2E

    banjo2E Member

  3. Skafsgaard

    Skafsgaard Member

    Is it possible to rename the expansion pack again, if it turns out I'm not happy with the name I gave it?
  4. Werediggler

    Werediggler Member

    Just click on the title and just backspace if I'm not mistaken. Simple as that.
    Marak likes this.
  5. Skafsgaard

    Skafsgaard Member

    Thanks, mate!
  6. Kazeto

    Kazeto Member

  7. Skafsgaard

    Skafsgaard Member

    2012-06-07_00001.jpg A reference to the Diablo series. Dredmor is better than the latest game in the series.

    EDIT: I'm loving the background art in this expansion, btw!
  8. Lorrelian

    Lorrelian Member

    Because it gives it too you like that.
    Essence, Marak, Karock and 2 others like this.
  9. SamuelMarston

    SamuelMarston Member

  10. mining

    mining Member

  11. lockeslylcrit

    lockeslylcrit Member


    Kazeto and Marak like this.
  12. DavidB1111

    DavidB1111 Member

    No screenshot, but I named it Digglespam 2012.
    Obscure reference is obscure.

    A fan of SSoHPKC, I presume?
  13. GoingJuffoWup

    GoingJuffoWup Member

    Heres mine:

    You'll have to double click, Sorry guys.

    Attached Files:

    Werediggler likes this.
  14. TheJadedMieu

    TheJadedMieu Member

    Yes, but he didn't come up with that joke. It's from the Die Hard series: the second movie was called Die Hard 2: Die Harder.
  15. AvzinElkein

    AvzinElkein Member

    Actually, check out your Library. You will see the Achievement; I checked the Library and it was there for me.
  16. lockeslylcrit

    lockeslylcrit Member

    Wasn't the achievement I was referring to. :p
    OmniNegro likes this.
  17. Kazeto

    Kazeto Member

    Ah, I remember that one. It was supposed to be a new achievement for killing Dredmor and dying at the same time.

    I was wondering what happened with the idea.
  18. DavidB1111

    DavidB1111 Member

    Yes, but he made a lot of videos titles based on the die Hard Movie titles. Like, Hideout 2: Hideous Harder, and Hideout 3: Hideout with a Vengeance.
    That's why I thought that reference was more to his stuff than the movies.
  19. 100Megatons

    100Megatons Member

    I don't know how to do screenshots on Steam (never needed to before now), but I named mine, "You Can Loot a Dungeon, But You Can't Lutefisk."
    FaxCelestis likes this.
  20. Kazeto

    Kazeto Member

    Usually, I just use the "PrntScr" (aka. "Print Screen") button on my keyboard, paste whatever I got into Paint, and then save. It's a pretty crude method, but guaranteed to work.
    LionsDen and Marak like this.