Idea sharing help and stuff!

Discussion in 'Modding' started by Knallis, Dec 22, 2011.

  1. So I have a program to make sprites, what can I use to make spell animations?
  2. SSvjatoy

    SSvjatoy Member

    I need help.
    When I try to paralyze the player, game crushes. What am I doing wrong?:confused:
  3. Kazeto

    Kazeto Member

    We don't know, you would have to show us your code. Paste it somewhere or and post the link, or something.
  4. SSvjatoy

    SSvjatoy Member

    Oh, sorry bro's. I've already figured out. It was mistake in spell name.:oops:
  5. Ryvian

    Ryvian Member

    Hi, I'd like to request help on making spells again.
    I'd like to create an area of effect spell that would apply a debuff to everyone hit by it. The thing is, I only know how to debuff a single target, and I'm not sure how to create an effect that would debuff all targets in an area. Checking most AoE spells, they would cause effects like paralyze or confuse and stuff. If I simply create a spell with templateID 13 centered around my target, and add
    <effect type="trigger" name="debuffspell" /> would it apply the debuff to all affected targets?
  6. Essence

    Essence Will Mod for Digglebucks

    Yep. Here's the code for how I did it with Kiaido:

    <spell name="Kiai" type="template" anchored="1" templateID="100">
    <effect type="shout"/>
    <anim sprite="sprites/sfx/glintA/glintA" frames="5" framerate="600" centerEffect="0" sfx="dmg_blast02a" />
    <buff usetimer="1" time="2" allowstacking="0" self="0" bad="1" icon="skills/unskilled_weapon.png" smallicon="skills/warrior/unskilled_weapon32.png">
    <secondarybuff id="4" amount="-50"/>
    <description text="Misaligned ki makes their attacks almost never deadly."/>
    <spell name="Kiaido" downtime="2" type="adjacent" icon="skills/wizard/spell_white4_32.png" attack="1" wand="0">
    <effect type="damage" blasting="1" blastingF=".34"/>
    <anim sprite="sprites/sfx/glintA/glintA" frames="5" framerate="60" centerEffect="0" sfx="blast" />
    <effect type="trigger" spell="Kiai"/>
    <description text="Your loud yell has aligned your ki and disrupted that of your opponents, who will find it virtually impossible to land a deadly blow against you in the next few seconds."/>
    That's an anchored AOE, but the principle is identical.
    Ryvian likes this.
  7. Ryvian

    Ryvian Member

    Cool, thanks a lot Essence, you're a lifesaver.
  8. SSvjatoy

    SSvjatoy Member

    Is it possible to make the ability/ effect depends on the level of skill?
  9. Kazeto

    Kazeto Member

    No, it is not. The only way to scale things right now is to use the generic spell scaling, but that only works for damage, and only scales with sagacity.

    There is a detour, however - you can use crafting to make the "skill component" that you'll use to activate it, with each skill level giving you access to stronger "skill components". It's harder to balance and not exactly the same thing, though.