Is it possible to add new monster comments via a mod?

Discussion in 'Modding' started by OmniaNigrum, Jun 11, 2012.

  1. Catbread

    Catbread Member

    Don't forget to minimize punctuation and keep everything lowercase! That keeps it consistent with the game's style.
    mutated likes this.
  2. banjo2E

    banjo2E Member

    OmniNegro likes this.
  3. Catbread

    Catbread Member

    u for srs?

    Hm. I'f you'd like, I can add some of these to my taunts collection. Saves me the trouble of looking up how to spell "eekum bokum".

    If you'd rather release these on their own, though, I won't touch 'em.
    OmniNegro likes this.
  4. banjo2E

    banjo2E Member

    Well, I had to cut it short there in part because I wanted to avoid duplicating content that other people already provided, and Interior Dredmorating (and possibly also Roguish Renovation) added a bunch of architecture names and stuff. Since nobody really uses my mod AFAIK, go ahead and take whatever you like. I'd rather my stuff show up in someone's game than not.

    ...You know, if we could get those guys to give their stuff to me, we could have a single mod for all of the flavortext expansion stuff that anyone ever did. Is that a good idea?
    OmniNegro likes this.
  5. Shaxarok

    Shaxarok Member

    I've heard worse ideas. Why not?
  6. OmniaNigrum

    OmniaNigrum Member

    I support and endorse you banjo2E as the "Official Monster Comment Master". What does this mean? Nothing. But it sounds really nice. :)
  7. Catbread

    Catbread Member

    But... but... I don't wanna give up my taunt collection.

    what do
  8. OmniaNigrum

    OmniaNigrum Member

    Alright. Catbread is the "Official Original Monster Comment Master". Better? :)
  9. Catbread

    Catbread Member

  10. OmniaNigrum

    OmniaNigrum Member

    I am really saying nothing at all. I have no witty remarks to offer at the moment. No-one is entitled to the works of others unless those others allow them access to them. I chose banjo2E because I owe him for suggesting my current firewall. (I needed to replace Comodo firewall. See the thread that follows.
    What firewall do you use and why?

    But to be fair, you did beat him to posting in this thread.
  11. Catbread

    Catbread Member

    Yea, I get it. I don't want to steal stuff.

    I was just making sure I didn't have to give up my precious collection. Preciousssss...
  12. OmniaNigrum

    OmniaNigrum Member

    How would the two of you feel about collaboration? You would have to share credit. But it would greatly simplify things for everyone to only have one massive comments mod to deal with.
  13. Catbread

    Catbread Member

    I'd prefer to work independantly, unless there's a really good reason to collaborate.
    But I'm focusing on taunts specifically, so banjo2E could handle the rest.

    Plus, the Dredmor guys said they prefer if people release their mods in parts on the Steam Workshop because it makes them look better. I can run with that.
    OmniNegro likes this.
  14. Shaxarok

    Shaxarok Member

    Mainly it has to do with a currently very "low" mod population. So combining mods isn't helpful to appearances until a larger actual population is present and save-game breakage can become an issue.
    OmniNegro likes this.
  15. Dray`Gon

    Dray`Gon Member

    I'll add some ideas myself. I probably could make them into my own text file but... quite frankly, I'm lazier than Cyclops' eye beam. Also, feel free to remove capitolization/punctuation. I just prefer to use them. Also, only take those you think are good because I'm pretty sure not everything I come up with is likely gold. >.> As is probably evidanced, I hear a lot of things without knowing where it originally came from.

    To be or not to be a diggle. (Shakespear)
    HOUDOYOUDOTHIS!!! (8-bit theater. Can also just do Houdouken though that might be more street fighter. Also, check the spelling. It's the scene where RM copied BM's super spell)
    This taunt was intentionally left blank. (Not sure where I got this idea)
    I used to be a dungeon master, but then I took a bolt to the knee. (Probably already taken, Skyrim)
    Nyuk nyuk! (Three Stooges)
    Someone set up us the trap! (meme from a poorly translated game. Forget it's name)
    Poptart kitty can't save you now! (Nyan Cat, I believe)
    I'm in yur dungin eatin yur sanwichez. (cat picture meme I saw)
    Come back here! I'll bite your legs off! (Monty Python Search for the Holy Grail)
    Go back to WoW, noob!
    Obvious taunt is obvious. (Another unknown reference that I've seen a lot)
    How u mine 4 fish? (MMO reference, I think from WoW. Not certain)
    Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning.
    I think I left my taunt in my other pair of pants.
    All I want is some pants! A decent pair of pants! (Cartoon Network commercial I saw)
    It's coming right for us! (South Park)
    Crossbows don't kill people. Diggles kill people. (Unknown reference... again)
    Can't we all just get along? (Not sure if this is already in main game or not)
    It's the adventurer formerly known as Brows. (Prince, or rather the artist formerly known as Prince)
    You'll not take me alive!
    Dooom doom doom doom doooooom. (Neverwinter Nights. Also possibly Invader Zim)
    It's not stupid. It's advaaaanced! (Definately Invader Zim)
    Every diggle for itself! (Might already be in game?)
    I can dish whatever you can take. Wait a minute...
    Game over man! (May already be in game? Aliens, I believe)
    I hate you, you hate me. (Barney)
    You are ugly when you're angry! (Spaceballs, possibly somewhere else as well.)
    I am your father's brother's nephew's twice removed cousin's former room mate. (Spaceballs)
    If you like it so much, why don't you marry it?
    That's what she said. (May already be in game?)
    Help! I'm a human trapped in a monster's body!
    Go for the eyes! (May already be in game?)
    This is not real.
    This statement is false.
    You've got too much time on your hands.
    Epic fail. (May already be in game?)

    Ok, now I'm just trying to force humor which is always a fail. >.> Hopefully there's at least a few gems in there, however.
    OmniNegro likes this.
  16. Shaxarok

    Shaxarok Member

    In order:
    "This space intentionally left blank" a seemingly-redundant piece of information included on things like scantrons and workbooks to assure test takers that may be under stress that things are going according to plan. <- Contains all the notable mistranslations in Zero Wing
    Originally, I think, Long Cat Is Long, which was eventually generalized as X Y is X to over-emphasize something.
    "How I mine 4 fish?" is the original format with VG Cats
    Guns don't kill people. People kill people. - Originates with the National Rifle Assocation. Commonly used on bumper sticks, etc.
    Spaceballs quote - it may be better to go with the follow up to this quote (or also include it): "What does that make us?" "Absolutely nothing."
    Go for the eyes is good, as it calls back to Baldur's Gate, with Boo the Miniature Giant Space Hamster, who was occasionally told by his owner to go for the eyes.
  17. Catbread

    Catbread Member

    I don't like memes much, but I can add some of those. HOWEVER I HAVE HEAVILY ALTERED THEM USING SCIENCE.
    Here is what they would look like in-game.

    to be, or not to be
    (this taunt intentionally left blank)
    nyuk nyuk
    someone set up us the bomb
    i will eat all your sandwiches
    i'll bite your legs off
    how i mine for lutefisk
    you must have woken up on the wrong side of the bed
    all i want is some pants
    crossbows don't kill people, i do
    can't we all just get along
    you'll never take me alive
    doom doom doom doom doooooom
    i'm not stupid, i'm advanced
    every mob for itself!
    game over, man
    i love you, you love me
    we're a happy family
    you are ugly when you're angry
    help meee! help meee!
    go for the eyes
    this statement is false
    you've got too much time on your hands
    and banjo2E's:
    actually they were all pretty good as is

    I'll add them to my next update unless one of you two wants me to leave them out. You'll be properly credited wherever I post the mod for download, as well as in the text file itself, and I'll remove them at any time on request.

    Also thank you shaxarok for your informations

    And while I'm at it, what's the proper format for lines of text inside an XML file that aren't part of the code?

    Double question: a couple of my taunts have this character in them: ~ (it is a curvy line)
    Can DoD process and display that correctly?
    banjo2E and OmniNegro like this.
  18. Rawk Hawk

    Rawk Hawk Member

    Aww man I was just gonna make a mod like this today when I didn't see one in the workshop. Oh well.

    I'll just think of 1201 taunts and on up you.
  19. Catbread

    Catbread Member

    But there was one on the workshop :(

    Make that 1693 and climbing. (Not even counting the taunts from Dray`Gon and banjo2E!)
  20. Rawk Hawk

    Rawk Hawk Member

    A challenge I accept!