Is it possible to add new monster comments via a mod?

Discussion in 'Modding' started by OmniaNigrum, Jun 11, 2012.

  1. Createx

    Createx Member

    up and at 'em, lads
    wait, you mean we are supposed to kill him?
    ready for a bearhug?
    oh, you
    knock, knock
    you made my day
    this is not what you think it is...
    do you have permission from your parents to be here?
    next express to hell in 3...2...1
    get him out of my sight
    yo need a license for those eyebrows
    the admission fee to the freakshow was really worth it
    act your age, not your eyebrow size
    it's not you, it's your eyebrows
    is it halloween already?
    play dead!
    i'm here to bring you your darwin award
    your eyebrows say "made in china"

    I didn't read all the taunts posted here, so sorry if I posted any duplicates.
    OmniNegro likes this.
  2. Catbread

    Catbread Member

    I'll add these. (edited slightly to be snappier/shorter)

    If I didn't add one, it's because I had already included a variation of it. Yes, even a Darwin Award one.

    I hope I can use quote marks in the script without screwing anything up!
    TheJadedMieu, Createx and OmniNegro like this.
  3. Dray`Gon

    Dray`Gon Member

    Couple more I though of/heard and caught my attention.

    QQ moar
    Why you trollin'?
    OmniNegro likes this.
  4. Catbread

    Catbread Member

    Hmmmm. I'm swiftly approaching my tolerance level for internet hatejargon.

    How about I add "cry some more", which is basically the same but also a Team Fortress reference, and "don't feed the troll, guys" which is the standard response to trolls? I'll credit you anyway.
    OmniNegro likes this.
  5. Warlock

    Warlock Member

    Some of mine to add:
    what is this I don't even
    REEEEELP! (see if you can find the reference)
    Fission Mailed! Abort!
    Your eyebrows are giant hairy caterpillars
    ok, that's all I've got for now. :/
    OmniNegro likes this.
  6. Catbread

    Catbread Member

    -Scooby-Doo? I've got some more iconic lines from that.
    -"fission mailed" is good
    -"your eyebrows are like big hairy caterpillars" edited slightly to reduce size, and "like" added to prevent the taunt from being poetically bizarre.

    That good?
    TheJadedMieu, OmniNegro and Warlock like this.
  7. Warlock

    Warlock Member

    Yeah, Scooby-Doo. It was too perfect to not add.
  8. Catbread

    Catbread Member

    How about "ruh-roh" instead? It's listed here as his actual catchphrase, and as a nice bonus, sounds kinda like something a person might legitimately say!
  9. Warlock

    Warlock Member

    Why not just put in both? :p Everyone wins, though I haven't seen Scooby Doo use it much beyond the classics in the original (god I miss the Scooby and Scrappy-Doo show.)
    Wait! just for this, let's add some homage to Scrappy Doo here. DIGGLE POWER! that's definitely a good one.
  10. Catbread

    Catbread Member

    I don't think the first one fits well enough to add. It doesn't sound natural on its own. That's why I picked one that sounded a little more fitting.

    I will add "diggle power", though!
  11. Dray`Gon

    Dray`Gon Member

    Sorry. I'll try to refrain from more internet jargon in my future submissions. I don't use any of it personally but thought others might find it potentially humorous.
  12. Warlock

    Warlock Member

    Here's a few more:
    Dredmor, we have a problem
    You mad eyebrows?
    Who died and made you king?
    Take a chill pill
    No princesses here (obvious!)
    DOG BLUNDER!!!! (a more obscure reference)
    Stop that pigeon now (I'll honestly be amazed if this gets figured out)
    More to come later.
  13. Catbread

    Catbread Member

    Not a problem. I had just used some of it already, and didn't want to overdose.
    already in
    how about "who died and made you the hero?" There already is a king!
    good. I, uh... don't get the reference, though
    good...? I think? I'll do it in lowercase, though. I avoid all caps whenever possible.
    Aha! I remember this one!
    It's a bit iffy, but if we pretend the monsters are referring to the hero as a pigeon as some kind of weird insult, it can fit.
    OmniNegro likes this.
  14. Warlock

    Warlock Member

    No Princesses here is from Super Mario at the end of the castle level. It refers to Toadstool going "Your Princess is in another castle" every time (yeah right, you dillweed, she's always in some other crappy castle.) Don't you remember? :p
    Dog Blunder is an obvious reference from the Blue Falcon cartoon, where the titular hero gets hopping mad at his cyborg dog companion.
    I'm amazed you got the Yankee Doodle pigeon reference, though! (this is in no way related to Hatoful Boyfriend. Creepy.)
  15. Catbread

    Catbread Member

    Oh okay
    Well, I'd have recognized "Your princess is in another castle"!!! Geez!

    I dunno about "dog blunder!"
    That taunt only seems to work on someone named "Dog Wonder". It doesn't seem to apply to other situations.
    OmniNegro likes this.
  16. Warlock

    Warlock Member

    in lieu of that, "I'm the goddamn Diggleman" might be more thematically appropriate.
    OmniNegro likes this.
  17. Catbread

    Catbread Member

    That's true, but why not go right for the genuine article?

    "i'm the goddamn diggleman" = that slime thinks himself to be some kind of diggle-related superhero.

    "i'm the goddamn batman" = that slime thinks he's Batman. Or really, really wishes he was.

    I like the second one
    OmniNegro likes this.
  18. Warlock

    Warlock Member

    :p Yeah, I was thinking of just saying I'm the goddamn Batman to begin with, but was concerned that it wouldn't be too appropriate.
    OmniNegro likes this.
  19. Catbread

    Catbread Member

    Maybe it isn't! But I can only judge based on what I think sounds right. SO HEY
  20. Dray`Gon

    Dray`Gon Member

    If you don't mind another Zero Wing reference, how about, "All your brow are belong to us."?