Is Warlockery's 'Arcane Capacitor' skill supposed to kick you out of the game?

Discussion in 'You Have To Name The Expansion Pack' started by Tamraine, Aug 2, 2012.

  1. Tamraine

    Tamraine Member

    I tried searching and couldn't find anything readily, plus the first two wikis for Dungeons of Dredmor have blank pages for Warlockery. Bummer.

    Anyway, if you let Arcane Capacitor build up, is it supposed to immediately terminate Dungeons of Dredmor? Pretty funny if so -- I mean, it DOES warn you, after all..
  2. Nicholas

    Nicholas Technology Director Staff Member

    No, that's a bug.

    Can anybody else reproduce it?

    (I mean, I *am* amused...)
  3. Daynab

    Daynab Community Moderator Staff Member

    ...No, I don't think that would be a fair tactic. Does this happen 100% of the time for you?
  4. Taylor

    Taylor Member

    Same issue for me. If I let arcane capacitor charge too long I explode in fire and then the game window just disappears *crash* :(
  5. Tamraine

    Tamraine Member

    Yeah, 100% of the time for me.
  6. Daynab

    Daynab Community Moderator Staff Member

    Yeah we've confirmed it. It's on the list.
  7. eskr

    eskr Member

    This is apparently fixed in the latest hotfix (see current bugs thread).
    It was funny though, and a part of me wondered if that was supposed to be reality breaking... very meta. ;)
  8. dbaumgart

    dbaumgart Art Director Staff Member

    Yeah, it's now fixed.

    A fix to how buffs and DOTs get removed broke the hack that let Arcane Capacitor work in the first place so I just had to add in one extra trigger and now we're good to go.
    Kazeto likes this.
  9. Essence

    Essence Will Mod for Digglebucks

    I love that this happened.
  10. eskr

    eskr Member

    @dbaum: The "Arcane Flux" trigger? How does that help may I ask?
    There are at least 5 new bugs associatted with Arcane Capacitor (noted in current bugs thread). Playing around to see what I can fix (I have no dredmor experience though), just tryign to figure out how things work. At least one problem can be fixed by chanigng type from "self" to "target" (debuffs aren't working properly when moved to an enemy), but You're Borken isn't having any effect at all and the timing on Tick..tick... / Uh Oh! is off. (which can be fixed in a hackish way, but, that's just two wrongs...).
  11. Essence

    Essence Will Mod for Digglebucks

    I'm all over this. Because I'm lazy and on a very spotty computer/Internet schedule out here in Vacation Land, can someone link me to an aggregation of the known bugs with Arcane Capacitor and I'll fix everything can than be fixed from the XML end?
  12. Daynab

    Daynab Community Moderator Staff Member

    I think David already took care of it for the most recent hotfix.
  13. dbaumgart

    dbaumgart Art Director Staff Member

    Crashing is fixed, some minor fiddling things aren't. I asked Essence to take a look and sent him my working xml.
  14. eskr

    eskr Member

    Sounds like you're covered, but just in case it's helpful here are the 5 bugs that I've logged, as of Hotfix_10c (presumably unchanged in Hotfix_11). Three of the bugs are specific to the interaction between Rune of Objection (from Magical Law) and Arcane Capcitor (which should be really cool... :) )
    (If you have the time, no pressure obviously, and could let me know how you fix them I'd be appreciative. I found some of the internals of DoD such as debuff removal order unintuitive (from a naive standpoint that is) and am curious to know. Also, thanks, the Warlock is a really neat bit of design. :) )

    Arcane Capacitor bugs:

    "Uh Oh!" is a 3 turn debuff. An explosion is suppossed to occur at the end of it if you haven't debuffed yourself.
    However the explosion occurs after 1 turn, the debuff then continues to countdown and nothing happens at the end. (Nor does anything occur if you transfer the debuff to another creature.)

    Removing "Rippling Weakness" by placing it on another monster (using Rune of Obj.) does not remove the 56 turn time out on Arcane Capacitor usage. Nor does killing the monster after moving the debuff.
    However, using a purity potion does remove the AC time out if RW is on the player.
    Manafueled doesn't seem to have any effect.
    You do not "consume your own mana" (your mana doesn't seem to decrease).
    And both food and alcohol affect you normally (+1 HP/MP, respectively per turn).
    If the "Uh Oh!" debuff is transferred to an enemy the explosion is still targeted on the player.
    (This can be fixed by changing type of Tick...tick... to "target" from "self", however the order that debuffs are removed and effects occur means that then no explosion procs if Uh Oh! remains on the player. As it stands it requires increasing the timer on "Tick...tick..." and optionally "Uh Oh!" to see this effect.)
    Rippling Weakness continues to proc debuffs on character after being moved to an enemy. (I only noticed this after making the spell irresistible for testing purposes. Changing type to "target" from "self" does not seem to do anything here.)
    Essence likes this.
  15. Essence

    Essence Will Mod for Digglebucks

    Thanks! I'll see what I can do about these on the XML end.
  16. eskr

    eskr Member

    Oh, one other thing. I don't know that it's a bug and even if unintended may be too difficult to avoid, but the damage from puis. touch comes after the sleep effect from Mark of Cthon (Necroeconomics) and Blackjack (Assasination), immediately waking them up.
  17. Essence

    Essence Will Mod for Digglebucks

    That is, unfortunately, unavoidable given the mechanics of attack spells.
  18. Essence

    Essence Will Mod for Digglebucks

    I would have posted this straight to the GLGods in PM, but for some reason I can't post files to a conversation, so I'll just stick this out here.

    This could probably use a few hour more of my time, but that won't happen for a few days now, so here's what I have so far. Basically, by switching Random Energy Weaknesseseand No Arcane Charge For You! from dots to self-triggered loops dependent on and triggered by Rippling Weakness, it should keep all of the effects dependent onmoving rather than removing Rippling Weakness from continuing to bother the player -- they should instead happen to the monster.

    Keeping in mind, I don't have DoD on my mom's laptop out here, so this is untested theory, but it's something I've done successfully in other mods before, so it's not entirely hypothetical. :)

    Attached Files:

    dbaumgart likes this.