LuteFisk Cube And Multiple Item Bug?

Discussion in 'Bugs' started by rainbow, Jul 29, 2011.

  1. Desi

    Desi Member

    Translation joke and Schrodinger jokes were win. I like the Dredmor community so far; makes sense that only old-timey types would be into a roguelike game, though.

    My favourite science joke:
    Heisenberg and Schrodinger were speeding down the highway, and a policeman pulled them over. "Do you know how fast you were going?" the policeman asked Heisenberg. Heisenberg replied, "No, but I can tell you exactly where I was."

    This is a strange answer, so the policeman gets suspicious and asks them to get out of the car and open the trunk. He asks Schrodinger, "Were you aware you had a dead cat in your trunk?" Exasperated, Schrodinger says, "Well, now I do."
  2. Bhruic

    Bhruic Member

    I can guaruntee that the way it works is:
    Generate random number (1-100)
    If random number <= (previous lutefisk + new lutefisk)
    grant item

    If you put 100+ lutefisk in, you are certain to get an item. This is from directly tracing the code that is used in-game. I'm not sure where the reports of putting in > 100 and not getting anything are coming from, but from what I can see, that shouldn't be possible.

    For maximum efficiency, putting in lutefisk one at a time is best, as you have the best chance of getting an item with the least number of lutefisk used. However, if you tend to lutefisk lots of items, you'll probably have a lot more lutefisk than you ever need, so being super-efficient isn't necessary. Putting more than 100 in, however, is just wasting the extra.

    I should point out, there is a secondary check in the game code if you've put in > 80 lutefisk. It's possible that if you have, you get a better enchanted item than if you haven't. I'm going to look into it further.
  3. LukeWatson

    LukeWatson Member


    Even if you could put stacks in there would be no difference as you can still put single items in and you get 1 lutefisk out of it
  4. Bhruic

    Bhruic Member

    I was referencing putting lutefisk on the statue, not in the cube.
  5. Bhruic

    Bhruic Member

    Ok, the > 80 doesn't seem to have an impact that I can see. However, the number of lutefisk that you tithe to the statue does have another result besides determining if you get an item - it also determines the quality.

    Formula is (?? + (# lutefisk / 25)) rounded down. So basically, for every 25 lutefisk you tithe, the item you get will have an extra bonus on it, to a maximum of (?? + 4) bonuses. So if you are after the best quality artifact, tithing exactly 100 lutefisk is the way to go. Any less and even if you get an item, the quality will be less. If you go the "add one at a time" approach, keep in mind that the faster you get an item, the weaker the item will be.

    edit: Hmm, can't nail down exactly what the secondary variable is for the number of bonuses, it's usually just 1, but sometimes ends up being higher.
  6. Tacroy

    Tacroy Member

    @Bhruic So is that "quality" metric something to do with the number of stars on the item, or is it the number of enchantments?

    Also what tool do you use to do that sort of reverse-engineering? I've always wondered about that.
  7. Bhruic

    Bhruic Member

    It's the number of enchantments. Well, not necessarily "number", but the value of them. If the "number of bonuses" is 4, you might end up with +1 slashing, +1 voltaic resistance, +1 sight radius and +1 mana, but the total bonus is +4. Or you could end up with +4 voltaic resistance. Or other variations.

    But every 25 lutefisk that you tithe gives you another +1 to something, either stacking an enchantment or giving you a new one.
  8. DavidB1111

    DavidB1111 Member

    Huh. Good to know. However, I'm still certain I've read instances of putting more than 100 lutefisk in doesn't give you something. But now I know I was mistaken.
    For that, I both thank you, and glare at you for proving me wrong. Go step on an acid trap, it will make me feel better. :)

    Thanks again though.
    @Desi Good joke.
  9. Ratha

    Ratha Member

    I dont know for sure, but it seems to me that you get the reward -after- you put in enough pieces.. say you need to put in 30 pieces, and you put in exactly 30. That does not give the reward, you need to put one extra piece afterwords. (Or maybe just activate the shrine again after 30?) I dont know if thats absolutely how it works, but from random fiddling thats how it 'seems' to work.
  10. Desi

    Desi Member

    I got a reward after tithing three lutefisk yesterday night.
  11. Ratha

    Ratha Member

    I had 2 lutefisk in a shrine and then added 100, and got an item on adding. For some reason every time i had ever done it before, i would get the item only after i added +1 quantity to what was already in there. Must have been coincidence. Will test this more when i get some time if they havnt changed how it works by then.
  12. evankimori

    evankimori Member

    What I'd like clarification on is whether or not the amount of Lutefisk affects the overall quality/stats of the reward plus additionals like character level/dungeon level if that has any bearing on it at all.
  13. Kaoy

    Kaoy Member

    In my experience, no.
  14. 123stw

    123stw Member

    So there's a hardcap at 4 bonuses?

    That's too bad.... I was hoping I can throw in 1000 lutefisk or something for 40 bonuses. With Alchemy that's quite possible too.
  15. DavidB1111

    DavidB1111 Member

    @Kaoy What do you mean? This thread alone proved that Lutefisks up to 100 add updrades to your stats on your item you get.
    100 lutefisk is the max. Put in 100 lutefisk and it will always be better than something with only 25 or less lutefisks.
  16. Kaoy

    Kaoy Member

    I have had different experiences with it. I have had heavily enchanted necklaces come out at 30 and stone axes with +3 damage of some kind and wand affinity come out at 100+. My experiences have been that Lutefisk is truly the god of RNG. Maybe its bugged, maybe not. I do agree more Lutefisk means better chances of items though.
  17. DavidB1111

    DavidB1111 Member

    @Kaoy Look above me, at Bruic's post. He posted how it works.
    You might want to have your files verified by steam.
    Here's his post
    "It's the number of enchantments. Well, not necessarily "number", but the value of them. If the "number of bonuses" is 4, you might end up with +1 slashing, +1 voltaic resistance, +1 sight radius and +1 mana, but the total bonus is +4. Or you could end up with +4 voltaic resistance. Or other variations.

    But every 25 lutefisk that you tithe gives you another +1 to something, either stacking an enchantment or giving you a new one. "
  18. marsgreekgod

    marsgreekgod Member

    Can't some one just... look at the code?

    I mean we can do that right?
  19. DavidB1111

    DavidB1111 Member

    @marsgreekgod Bruick did look at the code. That's how come he knows it.
    He says so above, I believe.
    I guess we'll have to wait until he posts again.
    But he got all his info from the code in the game.

    I'm not entirely certain why you don't believe him...unless you just want the code pasted.
    All I know, is that I used to think it was not what he said, until he showed he looked at the code.
  20. Kaoy

    Kaoy Member

    Ah, I see where my mistakes could have been. I believe the necklace that was heavily enchanted that I mentioned was an Emerald Necklace, which is a random stat item. Also, +3 damage and +1 wand affinity is a value of 4. I had misunderstood it as meaning 4 separate enchants, not as value.