Seems not. Where there is none, some shall be created. Rule of the interwebs. Monday soon and perhaps there will be actual news about the Mac build.
As said before, it's pretty clear this the drama being fuelled is driven by personal opinions over the poster, not the post in question. There was an opportunity to jump in and escalate the whole thing by you who wasn't even part of the exchange to air out personal crap, and it was taken. Not really much more I can say other than what I've already said, sorry if anyone took it as a serious post but it wasn't and never will be a post about bashing macs no matter how much one tries to distort it in order to be offended for ulterior reasons. Now, get over your issues and if not, airing them out in unrelated threads isn't the place. So regardless any further attempts to feed said personal issues will just be left hanging.
Shame on all of you for doing e-drama. This is not that kind of a forum. Mac build status: Andrew got in, and got the build machine back up and running to the point where it could build Dredmor. CE *should* also build on the same machine, and it got most of the way through the build process; however, because the build machine died the actual Mac build is busted properly now so I need to go in tomorrow morning and fix the Makefiles. Once that's done, we can compile and see what we get. It *should* now work. But I will see.