Derakon: The issue with nuking regen entirely is that then the character is ENTIRELY RNG-reliant for restoration, not planning-reliant - if all you find is Offal, Cubes, and Danishes on floor 1, you're toast. It would essentially make Alchemy a universal necessity for potioning, just to control a LITTLE of the randomness.
Yeah, I'm kind of annoyed that there is a way to steal without brax angering you yet at the same time giving it no chance to do so would make it useless. Besides, you don't really need the chance anyway. I guarentee if I go full burglarly I can steal an out-of-level item without five-finger discount. As for mana regen, I'm saying that mana regen should still be positive if you build items, just not as fast as it would be, so mages still could get mana naturally. Yes orbs should probably be nerfed in that aspect though. At least that's my opinion on it. Didn't even see floor 1 there. That is a dilemma, mainly because the game is designed around regen existing. But really if one finds any gold at all then drinks can be bought. Also offal isn't supposed to spawn anywhere on the ground.
I think that some AI modifications and more exotic damage ranged monster attacks could address some of the problems with mages. monsters are too easy to distract with summonables, and they will randomly wander through gas clouds and stuff when they can't get to or see the player. intelligent monsters should avoid getting hurt. cast spell, close door, repeat is too easy once you have a lingering area effect you can spam. some monsters should be able to open doors if they are awake and they watched you close it in their face (although i understand that this might be hard to do without bringing chaos to a dungeon level)
For me, I see a #5 as well: Weapon special abilities aren't scalar, while spells are. No matter how much Burliness you have or how good your weapon is, Thibault's Tromperment always deals 8S 2P. Weapon skills should add your weapon's damage (or just use it instead) and/or be affected by your Burliness in the same fashion that spells are affected by Magic Power
Fax, that is such an incredibly obvious and painfully good idea that I am personally appalled that I haven't already suggested it. +1.
I hate that website. Every time I click on a link to it, 3-5 hours of my life vanish. I'm never going there again. Speaking of
Just saying, this is completely and utterly wrong. They do scale. With high melee power Thibault's Trompement would do like 20 slashing and 2 piercing, and so fo all the other attack skills excluding staves. Every bit of that scales with melee power. And they all also do your full attack as well to the enemy in front of you. I wish that they could use your weapon's attack with procs and what not but they do not.
This has not been my experience, and if it is actually the case it might be prudent to at least document the abilities themselves with such information. Even a "this ability gets stronger with more Burliness" or whatever. The Overhau and other auto-trigger abilities scale, sure, but command-trigger abilities (weapon magic, if you will) don't appear to, or if they do, they only do it in adjacent squares. Trompement is basically useless because you might as well just hit a dude: it does practically the same thing.
Well, the ability to hit multiple units at once (particularly if you line them up at a choke point) is good -- much solider of a tactic than letting yourself get surrounded so you can Axenado, for example.
Yeah, but Promethean wizards can do multihits starting at first level with Dragon's Breath, in a better blast shape than either Axenado or Trompement, and for better scaling damage.
Lol who lets themselves get surrounded intentionally on Dredmor anyway? This isn't one of those Korean mmorpg.
Yeah they seem to scale indeed. Playing a dual wielding sword toting assassin deadshot berserker and my thibault's trompement does 28+2 damage or so? which is only 8 damage less then I do on normal hits. Or something like this anyway. But definitely not just 8s 2p.