Where do I even find the BBQ rules? Is this something people want? After seeing how nifty mods are with minecraft, and getting used to installing them, I was keen to try some with DoD. Soon after trying some I decided to fiddle with them a bit, as I wanted a class that would give crafting skills and equipment, and nothing else (for balance). Let's just say I got annoyed at getting interesting recipes that I could never use. One of the other mods I'm considering making is crafting recipes for the various crafting tools (so the class wouldn't even start with tools. also for balance). I've always been wary of messing with code, but since using notepad++ my fear of not closing statements has cleared up entirely. (this is not an add, if there's a better editor, let me know). Actuality liking coding, ---Mosslander
I too want to see the BBQ used for other things...this may be terribly evil, but I'd love to see it used to make cheese bombs. Molten cheese throwing weapons, with effects similar to fire bolts...where your enemy just keeps burning because you tossed hot, melty cheddar all over them. Mmm, roasted diggle with cheese.
Sadly, the BBQs are almost entirely unmoddable. The only thing you can change about them is how often they show up in the dungeon.
What about the items? Is there a way to mod the items so that, when they come in contact with a BBQ, they are altered? Like the way steaks get grilled? Or is the steak thing hardcoded too?
Hardcoded. Also, the whole 'melt weapons down/recycle for ingots' idea exists, IIRC, though it doesn't use BBQs. I think it's built into the Crafty Crafts mod.
hahahaha -- yep. Aged Steak, Fresh Steak, and Steak all convert into Grilled Steak on a BBQ -- which you can then grind into 4 Ground Meats worth 3 HP each, for a total value of +400% on an Aged Steak that goes through the entire process.
I had another thought of how it could be done. I've seen the runes that summon vending machines used for a puzzle that summons prizes. So there may be a way to create a forge room that creates ore when certain items are placed on squares and a lever is pulled (provided that mechanic isn't restricted to runes). I'll take a look at how Crafty Craft does it, but I kinda want to limit its use by making it room-based, rather than something that you can carry around. As for molten whats'its, I kinda want to avoid adding new items, and focus more on game-play and interesting interactions and options for existing items. What, no comments on crafting crafting tools? ---Mosslander
I like the idea of being able to craft crafting tools in theory, but...wouldn't you need a crafting tool to craft a crafting tool to craft OH GOD MY HEAD.
Heh. The idea is that some existing items can be used within certain crafting sets to craft other items. Bottles tubes and perhaps a few other things could be used in alchemy to make a distillery. Likewise various mechanical parts could be crafted into a tinkerer's kit using the anvil. Thinking of creating a hoarder skill set, "It's not a problem, I can totally use all this stuff". ---Mosslander
It'd be pretty awesome if the dungeon decorations (e.g., the smelter, the alchemy bench) were interactive and made it possible to craft things at them, whether you have tools or not. I think somebody has that in one of the mods?
The things you learn from the forums! Every meat and every cheese have different grind values, between 2 and 5 apiece. So if you grind an Aged Steak, for example, you wind up with two ground meat, which doubles your gain potential. If you save your steaks and grill 'em, you can wind up with a piece of meat that gives you ten , or grind it and have four meats with a grand total of twelve . Cheese usually gets ground at a loss, but meat's only loss is in the amount of time it takes to sit and eat 14 chunks of raw ground beast. I just threw up a little bit. There are tons of tips and tricks you can learn just by reading through the forums - and if you can't find it, ask! Some of us actually enjoy being helpful.
It's still a good idea to grind cheese for two reasons. One, cheesy omlettes, while not as strong as they used to be, nonetheless are potent healing items created with ground cheese. Two, all cheese grinds into at least two pieces of ground cheese, which isvery, very useful for skolling.
What banjo2E said, and additionally, having a lot of ground meat and cheese makes it less likely that you'll lose any valuable food when a hungry diggle hits you, since you have a lot of that ground stuff and it basically serves as armour for the consumption effect.
Why not just add recipes to the Disposable Ingot Press for melting down weapons? You can make recipes that take individual weapons as the only ingredient, and yield a certain number of ingots. How many you choose to have a recipe yield should be based on how many are required to make the weapon in the first place. It should probably not give as many as it costs to make otherwise you could use the same few ingots infinitely. Thematically, there's waste due to oxidation that occurs, etc. You can also yield more ingots with higher skill, but there should be no skill required to at least get some, just like how smelting ore works. The BBQ interface is limited to one item as an ingredient. This could be changed, I guess. A click could open a crafting UI similar to what we have for crafting toolkits. Then the recipes could be added to the craftDB.xml like any other recipe. The only difference between this and simply adding recipes to the Ingot Press is that you can't carry around a BBQ with you. You'd have to travel in order to craft things. The things you craft should be extra good because of this limitation.