Make triggeroncast use the target of your spell instead of yourself if the triggered spell would be targeted. Fix all of the triggeronwhatevers not working in buffs (you probably should just have all of these work the exact same way everywhere, in buffs, items, maybe even monster definitions as a better more usable version of the onhit. That way we could make a spiny monster that deals damage to the player when he attacks, or anything.
In keeping with the one suggestion per post request (though my last technically had two, one was more of a fix and they were heavily related). I'd like to suggest an amount attribute for this, so that we may remove any amount of stacks. If left without, or set to 0 it would remove all. And this could include the food and drink buffs.
Hate to triple post, but the requests for this were clear. It also allows easier liking as one thing can be liked. Have a sort of if-succeeded and/or if-failed type of thing. Perhaps putting it within the effect tag. Like Code: <!-- on failure --> <effect type="trigger" spell="Spell that uses targetmonster or targetcorpse or something"> <effect type="trigger" onfail="1" spell="Some other spell that will only be triggered if the target is not a monster or corpse"/> </effect> <!-- on success --> <effect type="removebuff" name="Celestial Aegis"> <effect type="trigger" onsuccess="1" spell="Celestial Aegis Detonation"/> </effect>
This really, really needs to be implemented for Armor and Shields for Master of Arms and Shield Bearer. As for my own issues that are creating a balance nightmare: Critical chance ignoring Dodge, Counter, and Block stats Dodge preventing you from an opportunity to Counterattack if its roll succeeds
Allow AmountF to Apply to ANY Amount Just as an example, having an AmountF on Grisly Trophies would instantly void all of the gripers who say it's not enough in the later game. AmountF on buffs, amountF on number of summoned creatures, etc. etc. -- the possibilities are endless.
Seconding this as well, right now the only way to make abilities scale with melee power is by adding attack="1" to them, which is far from ideal since it is basically adding a melee attack onto whatever the ability is, and I'm pretty sure if you're outside of standard melee range (even diagonals) you don't get the damage boost (based on my observations of Axenado being used on diagonal targets vs. orthogonal ones).
Might as well do a bit of summary/list of general concepts Scaling: Allow amountF to apply wherever amount exists, even buffs Allow whateverF to use an attribute other than Buffs: Allow removal of specific buffs Add more possible things to add to buffs, such as modifying spells, adding spells while it's active Triggers: Add many more triggers, for block, counter, enemy dodge, eating drinking, etc (personally I'd suggest the eating and drinking be combined to an item use with a class) Add more attributes to check for (the specifically suggested was damage type) Make sure they're consistent that triggering a targeted spell for all of these will use a target, instead of the player (the only one that I know for certain targets the player is triggeroncast but really the others added you should be sure to target) As far as triggers from a spell, allow targeting a tile, or noncreature entity after a delay Items: Allow random types for damage/resistance out of certain possibilities Spells in general: Possibility for skills that don't use up a turn. Skills with zero cost that aren't automatically 0 mana (they should have no mana at all there, and not be silenced) Item classes: Replace all hard-coded things regarding item classes everywhere with reusable modifiable things based on class names Rooms: Add percent to objects it's missing from Allow modification of special elements like dirt patches, bbqs or machines Everything: Modification or removal of existing content
One another request from me (I know you'll have me for that, developers, and I like you too), unless it already is possible (and I don't think it is). Please make "consumeItemName" and "consumeItemAmount" tags for us to use for skills - that would allow us to make skills that require specific items prepared by another skills or through crafting to work (which some mods undoubtedly will add in the future if that becomes possible), and to make skills that use more than one piece of item for something (which would probably become used to create ranged skill trees, and item-based skill trees).
Oh, well I didn't have all of them out of grouping and crap of similar ideas but I guess that'd be rather significant. Shouldn't worry though because they'll probably see all of them anyway and don't want too many posts off task.
I would also like the ability to remove / replace an old skill when you gain a new skill. Instead of gaining 3 different passive abilities, I would like to be able to add new effects and improve damage of a single proc chance ability like Viking Strike etc... Another thing no one has mentioned, I want to be able to mod the inventory storage system to allow for reagent bags, or at least determine the size of the normal inventory ourselves. I think the code for this is nearly there, what with how the Lutefisk cube works. Right click an item bag, brings up a new graphic like Lutefisk Cube does, except things you put in it don't get modified. As well, letting us create magic quivers that convert ingots into special bolts the same way Lutefisk Cube works would be pretty damn cool too.
Not sure if it's been suggested or is in the works, but if you have a lot of skill mods, then they start to overlap with the bar that shows what you've selected. It doesn't scroll and the game won't let you select those skills. If possible, something to fix that would be very helpful
That's already been covered earlier in the thread, apparently there SHOULD be a scroll bar, but it seems to have gone missing. The devs are looking into it.
I'd like to be able to have Counterattack take precedence over Dodge. Dodging an attack that wouldn't have scratched you anyways in order to stun the attacker is less useful to certain characters than hammering the creature with a real attack. Even moreso for characters who aren't Artful Dodgers.
That's not quite a modding request. That should just be a general suggestion. And there is a small benefit that dodge is better defensively.
Well, people may or may not want that to be a default. I'd like to be able to make it a default for my game, thus more of a mod than suggesting a change to the overall game?
Yeah I've been playing around with modding the game for my group of friends (kinda hard to publicly release something that uses other games' assets, like RO/Terraria/etc). I made a few different 'archtypes' of knuckles/claws using shields that gave a little damage and mostly give melee power and/or crit/counter/etc and overriding the name to be 'katar' or 'knuckle'. I'd love to be able to split melee and ranged damages up, so i can make things like bolt quivers/cases that are +ranged, etc. Also Nth'ing the 'let us use any/all stats to scale effects instead of just magic power. I'd also love the ability to have stat bonuses and other such non-scaling boosts to be stat-scalable. This would let you do things that scale far better to dungeon floors and player power than just 'you get +5 dodge'. To be fair I'm still new to/learning this game's language so I'm sure there's cool stuff I'm missing.