Well that's valid but requires significantly more work and is likely to result in things not working.
I know, Null, I should've noticed that instead of just editing one thing. Just blame it on my sleep deprivation or something. Technically speaking, it's a good proposition. It would require more work (and would probably be less idiot-proof), but it does have potential.
Unableskill="1"(or disable. or replace 1 to name of skill or spell. or whatever.) amount="50" (or turn) Enableskill="Name of spell" amount="20" If use this skill. this skill is vanish from quickbar(Or cannot trigger from other) for amount(or forever. but it can be enable from other) and enable other skill.
Passive downtime(or mana) should work. if crossbow shot trigger fire bolt and fire bolt has 5 down time. crossbow shot no longer trigger fire bolt until up again
attackaddon="1" this spell can trigger attack add-on(like vampirism or assassination skills) like normal attack but not critical. (this is difference from just trigger vampirism. caster need to have it.)
*Edit* Snip. If I can quote four posts with four clicks of the mouse, surely you can edit to add what the last three had in them. Welcome to the forums. My apologies. As you posted the quote, I was wrong. You did exactly as requested. I looked at your profile and saw 20 posts and figured you were unfamiliar with the edit function. I am really sorry.
Did i misunderstand something? Polymorph without change hero skin(or forget all learned skill and Enable few skill for ??turn. or whatever) requiretriggeronstat="10" primaryScale="5" for example trigger="Weak Bionic arm" requiretriggeronstat="10" primaryScale="5" trigger Bionic arm requiretriggeronstat="30" primaryScale="5" trigger Improved Bionic arm requiretriggeronstat="50" primaryScale="5"
Nobody really follows that any more, just keep your posts together and this will be much smaller. The one benefit of that is likes.
I want removedotbyname=""... self explanatory really. I need it for an annoying bug in mutant that the only other fix for would make it a bit OP.
Couldn't you just make it a recursive tool that checks if a bug is up? I use that for skinweaver and it works great. Edit: also, remove this when issue is resolved/not resolved and my post sucks, don't want to clutter this thread)
You should be able to handle that with a self-recursing trigger. Set up a spell that triggers itself with amount=1 (I think? timing could be weird) and requires a buff for the trigger. When the buff expires or is removed, the trigger will fail and the effect ends.
Unfortunately no, I've tried that, the template stays where the spell is cast instead of following the player.
I doubt that. I have an anchored template DoT in FaxPax (the margarita's divine radiance buff) and it works just fine.