New Patch Feedback

Discussion in 'Dungeons of Dredmor General' started by Nicholas, Dec 12, 2011.

  1. Essence

    Essence Will Mod for Digglebucks

    Kilts are amazing. :)

    On a completely unrelated note (edited in 1/2 hour later) -- does the existence of TriggerOnDodge imply the existence of TriggerOnBlock and TriggerOnCounter flags? Or am I getting my mod-related hopes up fruitlessly? :D

  2. Blue

    Blue Member

    The new crafting is a step in the right direction, it needs more (yes, even more) diversification to capitalize on the randomness of the game (and the new gradual growth philosophy of the crafting Baumgart pointed out to me, earlier), new recipes, material conversions, more and more branches. That and ironing out the few nagging kinks will make for a superb system in place.

    The underwhelming skills, for me, are still very much the same, with perception gaining a delicious cherry on top of a cake that was already mediocre in taste and that consumed resources that were very much needed elsewhere. Burglary lost its one point wonder utility (which, truthfully, I've never used beyond much more than lutefisk conversion as I've always found lockpicks aplenty after the first level, but I still need to test it out fully). Didn't touch throwing yet and good riddance Deadshot. Overall I think either the systems in the game that make these skills desirable must increase risk to the player (deadlier traps, stealthed enemies backstabbing oblivious players) but I honestly don't know how you'd do it without changing them from interesting in concept/poor in execution to downright mandatory; or setting up a system of primary/secondary skills during character creation that made them compete with skills of similar value (which I'm very much against).

    Other than that I'm having a blast with everything else, one of my favorite builds, archer/tinker with a hint of magic just became much more long-lived (tedium-wise, that is) and is having a smoother start. It takes longer for skill points to become meaningless for the grindcores, overall balance is much improved, pacing is spiking way less and the game feels harder without any added frustration, I can't wait to see how the expansion will throw things around, things are looking good for Dredmor!

    EDIT: Ignore the part about burglary completely, it's an awesome skill, fits nicely with some builds as it frees much needed skill choices previously relegated to other escape mechanisms. Took me a while to notice and it was probably because of the lucky pick change.
  3. Agree that I strongly dislike the new crafting interface as well, I don't think I'll use any crafting period with the current setup- it's that annoying.
  4. Unibrow

    Unibrow Member

    I'm happy with how the crafting interface is evolving. Most of the issues I have with it seem to be on the to-do list to change or fix so I like the way things are headed. I for one am glad that you can no longer craft recipes you haven't found yet, it took a lot of fun out of crafting when I could just look something up on the wiki and make it.

    I really like the perception skill tree additions, (aside from third sight) I found it to be very beneficial skill tree to take for my character. Being able to spot/disarm/pick-up traps is tremendously useful, and being able to see further is great. Eye lasers were fun, and at one point my melee character relied on that skill for killing tougher monsters. The only downside to the skill tree was Third Sight. I'm not sure what use it has, I never had any reason to use it before I died. Unless something has changed with how invisible monsters work I don't really see the point of this skill. I didn't survive long enough to run into Diggle Commandos with the skill, but pre-patch I remember they weren't much of a nuisance even without any points in perception.

    Like others have posted before me, I'm not a big fan of how far lucky pick is in the burglary tree. I can understand not having it as the first level skill since it is a fairly powerful ability, but I don't really feel it belongs at the end. It seems like a pretty underwhelming end to a great skill-tree, and having a skill that relies on having lock-picks, and not being able to consistently have lock-picks until the end of the tree is a bit of a bummer.

    I like the new "No Time For Grind" option that was added to the game. I play with perma-death enabled, so I spend a lot of time dying and this option seems to allow for more satisfying playthroughs as I get to try more of the skills before I suffer YASD. My only concern so far is that this mode seems to be a bit harsher for more item reliant builds, since the floors are smaller you end up finding less loot. My last rogueish melee character that made it far on this mode mostly survived by avoiding melee as much as possible. Maybe I just had tremendously bad luck item-wise, but I felt very underpowered most of the time, even with the obscene amount of mushrooms I was eating. Conversely my next playthrough was with a caster, and I found it to be so much easier. The floors I had had trouble with my other character were a cakewalk in comparison.

    One thing I've noticed since the patch is that doors now obscure things. When a monster is obscured by a wall there will be a red arrow over their head so you know that they are there, but the same is not true with a door. Traps are also hidden by doors, if you've discovered a trap it won't be outlined through the door so it is very easy to accidently step on them. There also seems to be a bit of weirdness with how things are layered. For example when I am walking over a dirt patch it will show over top of my character. Also spell mines can be obscured by corpses. This I found out the hard way as I waltzed in to a monster zoo I had mostly cleared and stepped on my own spell mine (I died a horrible fiery death shortly thereafter).

    Overall I've been having fun trying out the new stuff, I can't wait to get my hands on the DLC. I love this game!
  5. aggelon

    aggelon Member

    I'm sad too about disable the crafting of recipes found in previous game... plus I love to free to try, to put some cheese or mushroom in my omelette...

    +1 !!!
  6. Kaoschan

    Kaoschan Member

    Just copied from another thread i replyed:

    - Mouse-wheel scrolling in the crafting menu
    - closing the crafting menu with ESC (and please fix the dislay layer error like tooltips of item being displayed behind the outliner of the menu etc..)
    - tooltip with amounts in the result (for example grinding cheese ... how man parts do i get?)
    - correct the amount check of items ... i have only 1 egg but the tools shows me i can make yummy omlette
    - tooltip for items and their stats .. most of the time i wonder WHAT exactly the stuff does before i craft it
    - please make the crafting selction mouse based
    -> the buttons + wheel are for scrollign and if i press the leftmouse on one recipe it gets selected as the current active one. It's bothersome to use the buttons to scroll to the recipe if its for example the last one on a page. It would be way faster if you can select the active one with your mouse

    please explain what 2X inventory mean ... i obviously doesn't mean more space. Does it mean there is a way to enlarge the inventory screen for less eye-strain? *g*
    Xen0nex and brobbeh like this.
  7. Nachtfischer

    Nachtfischer Member

  8. Aldin

    Aldin Member

    My inventory covers like a quarter of my screen (see pic). Still the same number of slots, but every slot was scaled up to match the quick/skill bar slots in size, to the point where I can no longer play with it opened due to its sheer size. Perhaps that was what "2x inventory" was referring to? Much prefer the old look to be honest.

    edit: oops, too slow.

    Attached Files:

    • bug.JPG
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  9. Kaoschan

    Kaoschan Member

    a bug perhaps?:
    I'm running 1440x900 in window mode. if i turn on larger UI, part of the sides get cut off.
    skillbar ends at 8 and i can't see my cash anymore.

  10. Godwin

    Godwin Member

    Sorry, will read this entire thread some other time maybe, for now just reacting to the OP after finally having had time alone with Dredmo to explore the new patch somewhat.

    - New skills: I haven't had THAT much time yet, but so far really liking the descriptions of:
    * Berserker tree: a new activation skill and the paint!
    * Wandcrafting: Seems really nice!
    * Assassination: Poison, yay!
    * Dual Wielding: Curious to the new 'Combat Momentum' skill. Nice penalties when you try to dual wield without the skill, although they are not displayed anywhere, would be nice if it was displayed.
    * Perception: Looking very interesting, very curious to try them out.

    New skills I do have experience with:
    * Burglary: Really liking the vending machine kicking (I imagine the last person got a stuck item as always happens with those things and you giving it the right thump to make that one fall). I love that it's random, otherwise it'd be too powerful. It's still really really good. I don't think the lockpick creation skill should be the last in line, that doesn't feel right.
    I think it's best in third place, just before ninja vanish and after lockup. It's good so it should take some time to get, but five finger discount, not in the least because of the trap sense, should be last, and ninja vanish and move in mysterious ways are very good too.
    Trap sense is pretty important on skills like that and on blacksmithing and perception when you go with random builds, you learn to use it to full effect.
    * Artful Dodger: Knightly Leap as third ability is perfect. It's the ideal spot imo.

    - Rebalancing:
    * Moustache golem on level 1 is OP, but on level 2 it's quite less OP, so it seems to be better balanced. Nice change so far (with limited experience and only 2 dungeon levels (NTtG) :)
    * No bad weapon penalty: I don't think it's a good idea that it's removed, think it should return with it being a heavier penalty as well, to make smithing more useful among other reasons.
    * I personally feel the starting equipment may be a bit powerful. For example mastery of armor gives you the iron cuirass to start out with. And you get a bonus to armor through the skill. It makes all Lil Batty's do 0 damage except on crits, which is really OP imo, plus you'll get a leather armor in addition to that sometimes. I think that should be turned down.
    For the rest I still have too limited experience.

    - OP/UP:
    * Vampirism: In my limited experience it's pretty darn good on the first dungeon level (the level that used to be the hardest (as long as you haven't leveled twice)). But I don;t know how it scales, so can't say. Also my experience with it was together with the mastery of armor skill I addressed in rebalancing, so those two skills together really feel OP, can't say much else.

    - New Crafting interface:
    * Liking the one window for all crafts a LOT. It's easy to use, and with scrollwheel support it should be really nice. I really dislike the hidden nerf towards inventory space as I'm sure you're tired of hearing by now :p One minor detail: the icons for the different craft 'stations' (ingot press, porta still etc) are much more pixellated than they should be imo.

    - Eye Lasers:
    * Seems interesting, no exp with it yet.

    -Other stuff not in your questions:
    * New sound effects! OMG! Great stuff! Especially the Unfriendly AI! I don't know what else was added, but that is a big improvement! The new door-kick sounds don't really sound like the guy himself though (male char) and they also sound way too kung fu-y for just stomping against a door. Imho.

    * Yay is all I can say!

    EDIT: (can't seem to shake the edit-addiction) gold-hoover: optional please, quests on minimap: optional please

    PS: (want to end on positive note) Female char! yayness!

    EDIT 2: (...) Really LOVING the fact the price is now behind the items when you're in a Brax shop! Nice one!!
  11. IanExMachina

    IanExMachina Member

    I'm glad that you have to know the recipe to craft a specific item now as I enjoy knowing I have to go find the bookcases and see whether I'm lucky or not opposed to just collecting the same stuff and crafting straight away.

    The fact that free lockpicks is the last option in the tree as it makes lockpicks feel more valuable and adds more luck to opening doors and chests.
  12. Vykk Draygo

    Vykk Draygo Member

    I like everything so far. I feel like melee is even more viable than before (working on an ALL warrior skills build... it's going well). Scroll wheel in the crafting windows would be keen, though. :D

    Also, I rather like perception. I never used it much before, but I started in 1.07, and it's actually quite nice. I can't wait to make a laser eye character, but I was running wands on my rogue before, so I need to wait for the wandcrafting to be fixed first!

    Edit: Perception was great in offsetting the wand recharge debuff, but I like it even without that synergy.
  13. Godwin

    Godwin Member

    YES! I forgot this earlier but indeed am really happy about this too.

    EDIT: (...) Oh Vykk you reminded me of something else: the magic traps that prevent spellcasting: I think they're too short. They should be doubled in duration at least, it's too easy to just walk back with a monster following you, thus there not being a downside at all (compare this to 8 damage from a boulder trap: that's 104 steps if you want to walk that off (GR)). Making it take longer would also make it more of a decision whether to disarm or not.
  14. Vykk Draygo

    Vykk Draygo Member

    Agreed on both points, but I don't play spellcasters. So, I haven't even tried dodging those traps, and I can't comment on their efficacy. I did think that 12 turns seemed rather puny. I actually laughed at first, since it was such a useless curse on me (I thought it was a curse trap at first).

    Something I forgot in my first post: I LOVE the second skill in berserker. Like, totally love it. It's beautiful.
  15. vacantskies

    vacantskies Member

    I've noticed the addition of the Magic Reflect stat. Haven't tried it. I wonder how it works. There is also no place for it on the stat sheet.
  16. Kaoschan

    Kaoschan Member

    Another bug(?) i found.
    Was in a room with a lot of empty shelfs (like old shelf, dirty bookshelf, etc..)
    I walked by and suddenly my mouse showed me that one Old Shelf turned into a "Bookshelf".
    Using it gave a recipe. I think it's bug cause that never happend in 1.0.6
  17. Godwin

    Godwin Member

    Wrong thread :p
  18. Kaoschan

    Kaoschan Member

    yes i noticed that too.
    i'm very sorry ... i'm gonna clean up my mess nicely i promise.
  19. blob

    blob Member

    Adding my view on what s already been said:
    * scroll wheel in craft window.
    * have a way to know how many stuff you craft with a recipe
    * tool tip to know what's at least the name of the thing you re gonna craft
    * Price shown on each item is SWEET.
    * N dimensional poop and lutefisk poop sells for absolutely nothing. Is that a bug or a poop design choice ?

    Most importantly
    * FUS ROH DAH is... brilliant. I laugh every time.

    Are we supposed to start with an armor when you get the armor skill ? I started with that lame white shirt.

    On another note... Instead of having the lock pick skill create lockpicks indefinetely and therefore allowing a lot of lutefisk, infinite selling abuse, why not make the skill auto lockpick any chest or doors you click without checking for the number of lock picks you are carrying ? If you think its overpowered maybe opening something activates a cooldown.
  20. GrossorMD

    GrossorMD Member

    This may be an oversight or simply that it isn't done yet, but the Linux version of Dredmor is still unpatched.

    Just wanted to remind you of that, just in case someone forgot to upload the file.