Official Beta 1.0.7 Thread

Discussion in 'Dungeons of Dredmor General' started by Nicholas, Nov 7, 2011.

  1. Copycat Zero

    Copycat Zero Member

    Yeah. It also just occurred to me that, as I mentioned in the post, part of what allows the XP of a quick-mode character to keep up with that of a regular character is the fact that disarming traps and unlocking doors and chests grants more XP in quick mode (in addition to smashing statues, but anyone can do that). If, by chance, you're playing a character that can't do those things very well, in regular mode you're just not as optimal; in quick mode, you're gutting a nice chunk of your XP, particularly on the first floor or two (I was disarming 20 XP traps on Floor 1 and grumbling every time a 7 XP monster wasted them by walking into them).

    Obviously, there's a benefit in making sure you have those sorts of skills regardless of the mode you play on, but, combined with the other issues we've mentioned, it tends to make successful quick-mode builds rather more rigid than regular-mode ones.
  2. Essence

    Essence Will Mod for Digglebucks

    So, it seems like quite regularly the beta saved games arbitrarily stop working (cause crashes). Is that because you're uploading new small changes all the time, or is that a bug?

    Also, I have to say, of all things in the Beta, the thing I love the most is the lack of weapon penalties. It opens up so much to do with your character -- but it does lead to one more change I'd like to request: make sure that every character starts with some really basic weapon like a stick. That +2 Crushing damage matters a LOT when you don't have much else, and starting a character without any weapon at all is like playing a mage without the late-game power surge. :)
  3. Nicholas

    Nicholas Technology Director Staff Member

    Essence: Our goal is to make it so that you can move from the released version of 1.0.6 to the released version of 1.0.7 without crashing or blowing up save games. That doesn't always happen between beta revisions.

    Everybody else:

    A new build has been sent to Valve; I'll let you know when it's up, but I only just sent it off ten minutes ago. I'm optimistically hopeful for this evening. Changelog, partial:

    - It Belongs in a Museum uses a revised system to determine how much XP you get. It will now give you a LOT more XP for something like the Mace of the Misunderstood Warlord or a higher level artifact, so it should be competitive again. (I wonder if it's too high.)
    - Transmutation will now turn a stack of gems into a stack of gems.
    - The damage ticker now displays cute icons and colors for damage types.
    - Added some more test keys.
    - It Belongs in a Museum now gives you UI feedback for how much XP you got.
    - The summoned monster limit resetting bug is now fixed.
    - We now play "Your Inventory is Full!" at most once per Game Tick.
    - You can now create a player from the command line. more on this later once I get around to documenting the interface...
    - The skill belt is now unbroken. Really.
    - Anvils of Krong will no longer crash the game.
    - The female hero has a less annoying voice sound effect.
    - The female hero now has correct monster zoo art, and level up art.
    - DoTs and HoTs now work again.
    - Toolkits will now open with the hotkeys from your belt.
    - The Wyrmling pet will now fly across water when targeting an enemy.
    - Stack splitting now, finally works in crafting toolkits.
    - Some other changes to how stack splitting and dropping/picking up things works.
    - Gold pickup now affects every square around you, not just the one you step over. (Thanks and a tip of the hat to Roguelike Radio.)
    - Range Damages no longer get increased when holding a melee weapon in the player's left hand.
    - I believe we did some more stuff with grated cheese.
    Marak and Essence like this.
  4. Eikre

    Eikre Member

    So, if I have this right, IBIAM works on nominal artifacts now, instead of only items that have been Krong'd or spawned with extra random enchantments? Or does IBIAM still only work on those items, but give you an XP kicker for the base item?
  5. Nicholas

    Nicholas Technology Director Staff Member

    The formula is now:

    Experience Given = (artifact quality)^2 * (item level) * (artifact quality museum multiplier)

    Whereas before it was quality * multiplier.

    It will work on anything that the game considers an artifact: Kronged stuff, Lutefisk Rewards, named artifacts, the lot. But that's always been the case as far as I am aware.
  6. Godwin

    Godwin Member

    I am not a beta tester but I'd like to comment anyway.

    First of all it's awesome you guys keep supporting the game so much, are listening to us and are finding ways to make this game better and better!
    Ugh no! I heard that on the show and I found it a really unnecessary (and, frankly, stupid) idea... I like walking in a pattern quickly to absorb those 9x9 piles of gold. It gives a feeling of greedily quickly grabbing the loot. I am afraid the way it's now in the beta it will feel like you're a vacuum cleaner... I *know* this is probably pathetic and tiny and stupid detail of me, but I am wired this way, sorry :oops:
    I really liked the feeling of quickly grabbing those goldpiles. It immerses me in the game. It makes sense to have to be right on top of the pile in order to be able to pick it up. I am also someone who likes moving the items with the mouse and dropping them on the character... I dunno, it feels more like fun, like a game, then. I do use shift for the 9x9 lutefisks though.

    Well, in any case, you guys are my favourite devs of games ever (errr... well no, there's this Triumph Studio, but that's another story since I met them personally a couple of times)! Wish you all the best with the coming work :)
    k0rd likes this.
  7. k0rd

    k0rd Member

    oooo stack splitting! cool! i usually have to pull out an old tinkering kit
  8. Essence

    Essence Will Mod for Digglebucks

    First impressions:

    Trap XP went up to +10 for level 1 traps even when on full-size floors. Wow. Lockpicking a 1st floor chest/door is now worth +8 XP. Burglary is even more vital for quick leveling now. :)

    +150 XP for using IBiaM on what i'm pretty sure was a level 1 artifact (ring with +1 Sag and nothing else). Very nice, but not sure if it'll be too high later on in the dungeon.

    I still can't alt-click to separate 2 stacked Tinker Kits. :(

    Noticed the UI element for Colourblind Mode. Doesn't work yet, but it's good to see you plan to implement it.

    Lil Batties? Have they always had but 4 HP? NVM, realized I had started on Elvish. :D

    Also, I've got a Melee Power of +1 and 3 Crushing damage on, nothing else, but I'm dealing 5 points of damage consistently. Is there a 'base' 1 point of damage now?

    And a huge THANK YOU for fixing the skill loader. It works perfectly with single skill mods now. I'm off to write another skill mod and see if it can handle merging two of them together in the same game...bwaaahahahahahahahaaa!!

    Also, I can't figure out where this point of Piercing damage is coming from:
    Skillset is Unarmed, Man At Arms, Shield Master, Assassination, Burglary, Bushido, QiGong (neither of those last two give Piercing.) Any ideas?
  9. Nicholas

    Nicholas Technology Director Staff Member

    Piercing is coming from your unarmed combat.
  10. Essence

    Essence Will Mod for Digglebucks

    Wow, I must've looked at that mouseover half a dozen times and I still missed it. My bad. :)
    k0rd likes this.
  11. k0rd

    k0rd Member

    i never knew that either, although i'm new here :)
  12. Essence

    Essence Will Mod for Digglebucks

    OK, I'm not sure if this is a bug or not, but I wrote a buff designed to temporarily raise your crafting levels by 1, and every time I run it, the game crashes. I'm sure it's not a coding problem. Is that due to the crafting skills being more hardcoded than they appear?
  13. Nicholas

    Nicholas Technology Director Staff Member

    It should work. Look at the tinkering skills for examples. But then, you never know.
  14. kuhchung

    kuhchung Member

    Pointy fists of doom.
    k0rd likes this.
  15. Essence

    Essence Will Mod for Digglebucks

    Nevermind. It was another icon bug. Apparently I haven't figured out icon code issues surrounding buffs yet. :(
  16. Copycat Zero

    Copycat Zero Member

    Yeah, my saves from the last beta patch are no longer crashing when I try to load... but they are locking up the game.

    Oh well, time to start up another one.

    By the way, this is a holdover from last patch, but the eelies in the first floor Lutefisk Cube room are still brutal... Add Blobbies on GR mode as a Vampirism character, because the Piercing damage from Vamp is just not doing anything to them, meaning that you're not healing and not killing them as fast as they are you.
  17. Null

    Null Will Mod for Digglebucks

    I'm having some trouble getting templates to work in this with mods. My template consists of only:
        <template width="3" height="3" name="104" affectsPlayer="0">
            <row text="@@@"/>
            <row text=".@."/>
            <row text=".#."/>
        <template width="3" height="2" name="105" affectsPlayer="0">
            <row text="@@@"/>
            <row text="@#@"/>
    I've tried changing the names. I can use default templates.It's named manTemplateDB.xml, in my /mod/ folder. I had a completely different file but that doesn't seem to work either.

    Also, the last spell in the tree I'm modding will be pure epic.
  18. Essence

    Essence Will Mod for Digglebucks

    Hmm...I've added a template and it worked just fine. I can't see any particular reason why it shouldn't work. Post the line from the spell code that you're using to call it?
  19. Null

    Null Will Mod for Digglebucks

    Well that really won't do much good because the spell works fine with any default template and this happens with every last spell I use a template with regardless of content.

    Right now though I'm trying to fix fun game-crashing problems with dots. I'm fairly certain at this point that dots also use the icons as their identifiers. I had it working before but changed one thing and have been trying forever to bring it back.
    All I need to do now is try to get the mines to not crash it.

    One thing that seems to crash it for me is having the buff and dot of a spell have the same time. I'm serious, if I change the number by but 1 it works fine, but if they're equal it crashes.

    Actually, right now I tested, it worked fine. Restarted the game without changing the mod and it started crashing.

    EDIT: You know what, here's the whole of this horrible thing's xml currently.
    The fun thing is that I used this code, it worked fine, changed dot to 8, crashed, changed dot back to 7, crashed.
    <spell name="Eye of the Storm Cast" type="self">
    <effect type="trigger" spell="Eye of the Storm Effect"/>
    <!-- <effect type="trigger" spell="Eye of the Storm Rain Cloud"/> -->
    <spell name="Eye of the Storm" downtime="8" type="self" icon="skills/spells/eye_of_the_storm32.png" >
    <requirements mp="30" magPowerBonus="0.10" mincost="15"/>
    <description text="summons a powerful whirlwind" monsterText="summons a powerful whirlwind"/>
    <buff useTimer="1" time="8" self="1" allowstacking="0" icon="skills/spells/eye_of_the_storm64.png" smallicon="skills/spells/eye_of_the_storm32.png">
    <halo name="sprites/sfx/energyring/energyring" first="2" num="3" framerate="50" centerEffect="1"/>
    <effect type="dot" amount="7" spell="Eye of the Storm Cast"/> <!-- this thing despises the spell, it will not have a timed dot, if there's no limit it's fine but a timer makes it blow up -->
    <spell name="Eye of the Storm Effect" type="template" templateID="13" icon="skills/spells/eye_of_the_storm32.png" >
    <description text="strikes with a raging storm" monsterText="strikes you with a raging storm"/>
    <effect type="damage" asphyxiative="2" asphyxiativeF="0.15" blasting="3" blastingF="0.35" hyperboreanF="0.10" />
    <effect type="trigger" percent="10" spell="Eye of the Storm Lightning"/>
    <spell name="Eye of the Storm Lightning" type="targetfloor">
    <description text="zaps lightning from the storm" monsterText="zaps you with lightning from its storm"/>
    <effect type="damage" voltaic="2" voltaicF="0.10"/>
    <effect type="paralyze" amount="2" turns="2"/>
    <anim sprite="sprites/sfx/lightningstrike/lightningstrike" sfx="elec" frames="6" framerate="100" />
    <spell name="Eye of the Storm Rain Cloud" type="targetfloor"
    <spell name="Drenched" type="target" icon="skills/spells/drenched32.png">
    <buff useTimer="1" time="4" bad="1" allowstacking="1" icon="skills/spells/drenched64.png" smallicon="skills/spells/drenched32.png">
    <resistbuff voltaic="-1"/>
    <resistbuff conflagratory="2"/>
    <secondarybuff id="6" amount="-2" /> <!-- dodge -->
  20. Essence

    Essence Will Mod for Digglebucks

    Hrm -- that's interesting, because I know that I use negative DoTs (HoTs?) with empty buff brackets that have the same duration just to show off some sort of icon during the time that the healing effect is in place.

    Works flawlessly for me. :)