@TheJadedMieu I have 100 likes and 760 posts counting this one. And probably well over 1k edits too. You have 34 likes and 143 posts. I win by default. Or if not, I can bury you in sheer volume of nonsensical posts. I win! *Edit* Besides, the "Loser" image looks better anyway. Take it and be happy! *Edited again because because...* You started on July 20th, 2011. I started February 24th, 2012. Clearly I am uncontrollable and insane. If you prefer the first image, I will take the loser image in your place. No need to concede to me. I do not think we are really competing for anything.
Damn you and your uncontrolled verbosity! Fine, I concede. EDIT: If only I could set you to low verbosity like Zork
Lol. I like that. Well put! *Edited to reflect your edit* Daynab can do that. He would have to lock my account. But that is probably the only way I could stop posting so damned much. But I now remembered to add to my Drug Addict Mod idea. Thank you for the unintended reminder.
I smell a conspiracy involving the Freemasons, Illuminati, Martians, Jehova's Witnesses and Bugs Bunny.
Well, now everyone and their mother has one of these icons, some people are going to be rather confused.
My avatar is how I looked after I... uh... fell down the GLG stairs. Honest. Edit: Well, it was. It's now how I'll be if I ever get a Diggle plush.